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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me novel Chapter 248

Chapter 248 Ryland Has a Daughter

A message from a father to his unborn daughter was always touching.

Among all the good qualities, Ryland put kindness first.

Compared with smart, kindness is more important.

Ryland's public image has always been a workaholic who spent all year round on business trips and official duties.

He attached great importance to education and life sciences.

Kendrick said Ryland did it to gain sympathy and favor as a politician.

Kendrick also said that the fairy only drank dew and did not eat. He even told her if she couldn't do it, she'd better stop thinking about becoming a fairy.

What a mean guy!

Natalie put back her thoughts.

From this point of view, Ryland had a daughter.

But was Professor Quennell his daughter's mother?

But neither of them seemed like someone who had a daughter.

She felt nervous as if she had discovered another's big secret. But the book was given by the secretary-general. He must want her to know about it.

That must be the case.

Suddenly, something occurred in her mind.

Ryland temporarily changed his itinerary and visited Ramsey Group before and even refused to say anything about the gift of chocolate candies.

It seemed that he wanted to get closer, but he was hesitant.

She was unwilling to speculate on other people's privacy, so she put the photo back and accidentally turned to the second page of the book.

There was a name written on it - Diana Williamson.

Is this President Williamson's daughter' name?


Natalie put this book back and searched for another to read.

After reading for a while she felt bored again.

There were unassembled gun models on the bookshelf. Most of them are famous guns, like rifles, submachine guns, and pistols.

It seemed that President Williamson was a weapons fan indeed.

But it's not surprising since Kendrick once said that Ryland had served in the special forces in his early years. And Natalie had seen footage of Ryland's hand before.

It seemed that he had the habit of holding a gun all year round.

She was curious.

Therefore, she assembled all these components of the gun models.

It was already midnight in the night.

The phone dinged.

It was an E-mail of new experimental data.

The intern in the R&D department wanted Natalie to go through it.

So she had to pick up a meeting notebook and started to calculate the data.

After a while, a servant of the Williamson family brought her warm milk and two soft meatfloss sandwiches.

Natalie drank the milk and took a bite of the sandwich.

That was so delicious.

It was the best sandwich she had tasted ever.

Where did the presidential palace find the chef?

She even wanted to ask Kendrick to quietly poach the chef.

Kendrick must have been hungry after the meeting.

But the servant only served two sandwiches.

She wanted to keep one for Kendrick. So she resisted the temptation of delicious food.

She was thinking about going to the kitchen to find a plastic wrap to wrap the sandwich so that Kendrick could eat it in the car.

When she stood up and was about to walk outside, a tall man in a black jacket hurriedly walked in.

The room was brightly lit so Natalie noticed that there were traces of smoke stains on the man's face, and he looked slightly embarrassed.

Judging from the way he walked, Natalie was sure that this man was a soldier.

Natalie turned sideways to let him in first.

When she came back from the kitchen with the plastic wrap, she found that the sandwich she left on the plate was gone.

Looked at the plastic wrap in her hand and then the plate, and she finally stopped her gaze on the man in front of her who was wiping the marks on his face with a wet tissue.

This man was very tall.

It seemed that he had trained in martial arts, full of energy.

Nevertheless, Natalie mustered up the courage to ask, "Have you seen the sandwich I put here?"

That man showed confusion on his face.

He slowly raised his head after hearing Natalie's polite inquiry.

At this time, all marks on his face were cleaned. His face was with a wheat-colored complexion, clear outlines, and a handsome face.

He looked around as if he was helping to look for the sandwich. But finally, he found that he had nothing to say, so he coughed slightly, "Sorry, I..."

Before he could finish his words, the secretary-general came out and walked over, saying, "Captain Nathan, the meeting has been going on for an hour. President Williamson and other guests are waiting for you."

This man was Nathan Williamson.

Captain of GS-319 Special Forces.

He was the most outstanding talent among the younger generation of the Williamson family. He had been trained in the military since he was a child. It was Ryland who brought him up and promoted him.

GS-319 Special Forces was the team that Ryland served in his early years.

This showed the importance he attached to it.

"When I came here, I came across a fire on the road. The rescue took up time."

After explaining his delay, he said to the secretary-general, "I ate her sandwich. Could you please ask the kitchen to serve her another one? She is so assiduous to work on her math homework here this late."

Natalie was only in her early twenties. Her face was still young and childlike.

So she was often regarded as a student.

Maybe Nathan had thought her to be the daughter of a certain minister who came to the meeting.

The secretary-general was speechless.

Natalie was speechless.

She wasn't catching up on her math homework.

The secretary-general quickly asked the chef to prepare sandwiches for Natalie and told her that this man was Nathan Williamson.

The president planned to dispatch him to protect the local Hamgradish in South Faymany.

He might have been hungry due to the rescue scene, so he ate the sandwich she had left there.

Chapter 248 Ryland Has a Daughter 1

Chapter 248 Ryland Has a Daughter 2

Chapter 248 Ryland Has a Daughter 3


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