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My Fair Stunner novel Chapter 198

Chapter 198 Let's Talk

After Colin finished speaking, he smiled teasingly across the video.

Abbot teased, "Colin, I'm really puzzled. You said you've already turned your secret crush on Faye into a blatant one, but have you never mentioned this to her?"

Colin dangled his cigarette from his lips and looked at Abbot. "Do you have too much time on your hands?"

Abbot raised his eyebrows. "Huh?"

Colin, "Why won't you mind your business?"

As soon as Colin finished speaking, there was a muffled sound outside the door.

Colin's expression changed suddenly.

Seeing this, Abbot teased, "What's wrong? Colin, did you..."

Before Abbot could finish saying 'did you succumb to your conscience', Colin threw down his phone and got up hastily.

The door opened. Faye's hand froze in midair after her hand bounced up from the opening door knob.

The two looked at each other, and neither of them spoke for a while.

Colin frowned slightly as he looked at the shock and confusion in Faye's eyes. After a long time, he said in a low voice, "Did you hear that?"

The turbulent emotions in Faye's eyes fluctuated and she tried her best to suppress them. However, she failed to control them. "Yeah."

Colin, "Let's talk inside."

Faye pursed her lips and the memories of her college days flooded into her head.

At that time, she and Colin had little to do with each other.

When the two meet, they would not even greet each other.

Occasionally, she would take the initiative to greet him out of respect, and Colin would just reply to her indifferently.

Hank was much closer to her compared to Colin.

Hank would take the initiative to talk to her, ask her questions, and stand up for her when Helen and Tiffany targeted her.

Therefore, when she had a lot of pocket money stuffed into her bag, she would naturally attribute it to Colin.

Of course, the main thing was that she asked Hank afterward.


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