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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1127

Selina let out a bitter laugh internally.

It seemed that she had really moved on from Dylan, as her heart was fully occupied by Matthew.

She couldn't help but glance at Matthew.

At that moment, Matthew was also looking at her.

His gaze was as deep as the ocean, with countless indescribable emotions and words. It was such a complicated gaze.

Selina could tell that Matthew was also deep in thought.

He was probably thinking about the same thing as her. Perhaps he had also figured out that it was the place where Dylan and she had shared their final embrace when they broke up.

Just as Selina was about to speak, Hayden started making a fuss, insisting on taking the spaceship ride.

Matthew decided to take him on the ride.

The attraction had a certain level of safety risk, so young children like Hayden weren't allowed to ride it alone.

"What about I go with him?" Selina suggested.

At that moment, she somehow felt a little guilty towards Matthew.

She knew that Matthew definitely wouldn't enjoy rides like that as it would make him feel dizzy. He had no choice but to go with Hayden as the boy had to be accompanied by an adult.

"It's okay." Emotions couldn't be detected from Matthew's gentle voice. "It'll make you feel dizzy, you won't be able to endure it."

"What about you then?" Selina asked straightforwardly.

"I'm a man." After saying that, he left with Hayden for the ride.

Selina and Peter waited for them at the exit.

The ride was called a spaceship simply because all the passengers were seated in a large hanging spaceship that would be swung swiftly into the air, and would fall back down quickly.

Peter stroked his snow-white beard as he spoke, "It seems like it was the right choice to let Matthew tag along today, otherwise, who would be able to supervise Hayden? My old body can't handle such exhilarating rides, and I bet you can't either."

The corner of Selina's mouth twitched as she squeezed out a smile.

It was indeed exhilarating. In fact, she didn't even have to go on the ride to feel the thrill.

Who would've known that it was the exact amusement park that she had gone to with Dylan. What's more, it was even the place where they'd separated and hugged each other goodbye!

Though, Selina couldn't blame anyone else for not remembering the name of the place. She should've remembered and suggested a different place when Hayden brought it up.

All sorts of emotions could be seen swirling in her eyes.

She didn't know how Matthew would react if he really found out about it. He would probably be bothered by it, and feel a little unhappy.

After all, it would be upsetting for any man to go to a place where his own girlfriend had previously visited with her ex-boyfriend, let alone the place where they had broken up.

However, Matthew hadn't sounded displeased at all during their short conversation a moment ago.

Could it be that he didn't know that it was the place where she and Dylan broke up? And that it was the place where they last hugged each other?

Thinking about it, Selina felt that it was almost impossible.

When she first glanced at Matthew, he was also looking back at her.

His eyes had been filled with complicated feelings.

Selina was convinced that Matthew knew about it.

But if that was the case, what on earth was he thinking about then?

Thinking about it, Selina started to feel uneasy, as if a cat was scratching her heart softly with its claws.

The ride duration was quite long, so Matthew and Hayden wouldn't be coming down any time soon.

Selina used the opportunity and took out her phone to post a question on the forum that she often visited.

"I'm at an amusement park that I've previously been to with my ex, with my current boyfriend, and I even hugged my ex goodbye here. My boyfriend probably knows about it already. Tell me, how will he react, and what should I do?"

As soon as she posted the question, Peter leaned over and asked, "Are you using your phone?"


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