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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1130

Matthew's gaze unfocused for a moment.

"Your friend showed me a photograph of you and Dylan." He did not elaborate more on this.

Emotions were seen in Selina's eyes.

It was just as she had thought. If Caroline knew that she and Dylan had hugged during their breakup in this amusement park, she would definitely have informed Matthew about it.

Her voice deepened as she spoke, "I can't believe Caroline took photos. She actually took pictures! Have you ever asked me about this?"

She wasn't sure if he had asked her before.

Matthew's eyes darkened, "I don't remember if I did."

"Oh, okay."

She gave it a moment's thought and promptly turned to him with a serious look on her face. "Well, since you don't remember asking me about it, then I feel I owe you an explanation in this. This is where I and Dylan broke up, and we did hug then. I'm guessing the picture you've seen was of that moment."

Matthew had a cold look on him.

His eyes were cold too.

Selina's tone became even more solemn, "But that was just a formal hug to say goodbye. Matthew, I swear to you that I no longer have feelings for Dylan. That was just a goodbye hug and nothing more. I swear, if I still loved Dylan, I would not have allowed..."

Matthew covered her mouth.

Selina's eyes grew big.

Matthew looked at her saying, "There's no need to say anything more. I believe you, Selina."

Matthew only removed his hand after she nodded.

She said softly, "All is good as long as you trust me."

Matthew fell into deep thought.

Moments later, he abruptly changed the subject. "Selina, has that friend of yours ever done anything to hurt you?"

Her mention of Caroline had brought Matthew back to his memories of this person.

His attention had been so distracted by the pain the picture of Dylan and Selina brought to him that it had caused him to neglect the other things that were happening.

Such as the obvious intention that Caroline had when she handed him that photo.

And most importantly, how she'd managed to snap such a photo.

Had she just happened to run into both of them?

Could there truly be such a coincidence?

Meanwhile, Selina held her breath.

Hurt her?

Honestly, there had been such occasions as the time when Caroline had told her about Matthew and Jenna kissing in the office. She had also purposely provoked her multiple times.

She took a long pause before she uttered, "No."

Those were all trivial matters after all. Moreover, she was the one who had hurt her first.

Matthew heaved a sigh of relief, "Selina, I don't know how she managed to take that photo."

His statement made her hold her breath again.

On the contrary, she already had a rough idea on how Caroline did it.

In the beginning when Caroline had called her out and mocked her about Selina hugging Dylan in the amusement park, Selina had thought that Caroline had just coincidentally bumped into them.

However, after Matthew' mentioned that Caroline had shown him pictures, she was beginning to think that this matter may not be as simple as that.

Thinking back to the man wandering by the gate of her villa, and Caroline's brief appearance there, she seemed to have realized something.

"I don't know either. Butthat misunderstanding led her to have a false understanding of my character. No matter how hard I tried explaining it to her, she just wouldn't take it," said Selina in a blunt manner.

"You've tried explaining it before?" asked Matthew.


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