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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1146

Moments passed before she suddenly jumped up.

Tears of joy could be seen on her face as she muttered to herself, "The child is saved, the child is alright..."

Before she could complete her sentence, her eyes closed and she fell unconscious.

Cecilia and Tobias rushed to the hospital.

Tobias had never appeared this agitated in his entire life.

He wanted to enter the delivery room immediately.

Noticing this, Cecilia grabbed hold of him.

She, after all, was the more level- headed one between the two of them, "Tobias, I'll go in and you should just wait here."

But how could Tobias relent to this request? "Mother, I must stay with Natalie this time."

He knew that this was Natalie's most vulnerable moment, so how could he let her face this all alone?

He wanted to be there with her.

Cecilia's expression stiffened



announcement, "Tobias, childbirth is quite a bloody and gruesome process. It's not what you think it is. If you were to observe such an event, it could lead to problems further on in your marriage."

She had experienced this before, so she was naturally aware of these things. And such situations were not unheard of.

Yet Tobias's eyes steeled with determination, "Mother, how can my feelings for Natalie simply change just because I witnessed some bloody things? I can assure you that this might happen to many other men, but it will not happen to me."

After he said that, Tobias walked straight into the delivery room.

He was of no ordinary status, so the doctors and nurses in the hospital obviously did not dare to stop him.

When he reached the delivery room, he saw Natalie lying on the delivery bed.

Her face was as pale as snow, and her forehead was dotted with countless beads of sweat.

She kept crying out in pain, "It hurts. It hurts so much!"

Hearing this, Tobias felt as if his heart was about to melt.

He grasped her hand tightly.

He could feel that her hands were icy cold.

He gazed at her and said, "Natalie, I'm here. I'll stay right here with you."

Upon seeing his arrival, her lips stretched into a small smile.

However, her smile was soon overshadowed by waves of pain.

Her facial features were screwed up in a grimace.

Tobias placed his face next to hers and said, "Natalie, can you feel me right now? I'll stay with you. I will always be here for you."

The heat of his face transferred to her own. The warmth slowly radiated down along her cheeks and spread into her heart.

His words had also reached her heart.

She did not know what was going on, but a sudden burst of energy emerged within her.

An infant's wail could be heard.

A loud and clear cry echoed throughout the room.

Natalie could only feel something being expelled out of her body, and with that, the bonepenetrating pain dissipated in a blink of an eye.

She took in a deep breath.

The nurse offered a writhing baby to both Tobias and her and declared, "It's a boy. He's absolutely


The moment she laid eyes on the red, squirming baby, her heart began to overflow with all kinds of emotions.

Despite her hopes that the baby would be a girl, she didn't mind having two sons either, and she knew that she would cherish her newborn son just as much.

As for Tobias, he was so emotional that he could no longer control himself.

When Hayden was born, he had not been there to witness it.

And now he was able to watch this child being born with his own eyes.

This was the first time he had witnessed the emergence of a newborn baby. It turns out that they were small and wrinkly, just like a miniature version of an old man.

The nurse asked him eagerly, "Would the father like to cut the umbilical cord himself?"

Tobias gave Natalie a look.

And she nodded at him in return.

He picked up a pair of scissors.

He was so nervous about this that his hands, which were holding onto the scissors, began to shake.

The sound of snipping could be heard.


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