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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1270

At Liselle's accusation of her "sleeping" with Matthew, Selina wrinkled her brows in disgust.

She glanced at Liselle coldly and prepared to get into the car.

The driver's car was currently parked in front of the hospital entrance.

However, Liselle recklessly obstructed Selina's path. "Tell me, did you sleep with Mr. Perry last night?"

Selina glanced at Lily disdainfully. "Yes, not only did we share a bed, we even did it for about 300 rounds. Are you satisfied with my answer?"

Liselle trembled with anger. "You are shameless."

Selina no longer felt like entertaining Liselle.

She got in the car.

Liselle shouted, "You're not allowed to leave. You owe Miss Saoirse an explanation!"

"Let's go," Selina said to herself.

Seeing that the car was about to leave, Liselle blocked it with her body. "You are not allowed to leave."

Selina opened the car window.

She looked at Liselle. "You're blocking the car, right? Then I can just get the driver to drive over you. The sight of you annoys me. Crushing you will be the best outcome."

"How dare you!"

Contempt flashed across Selina's eyes. "For as long as I, Selina Whitlock, have been alive, I have always dared to do anything."

"Go," said Selina to the driver.

The driver hesitated.

Her voice turned even colder. "Just ram into her. If she dies, just pin the blame on me."

The driver cruelly stepped on the gas.

Seeing that Selina was telling the truth, Liselle jumped away immediately.

She shouted at Selina's car, "You're a mistress that dared to compete with Miss Saoirse for a man. You're just a despicable homewrecker!"

Inside the car, Selina's hands were tightly clenched.

Her nails had almost pierced through her flesh.

A Homewrecker? Was she really the mistress in this situation?

Matthew walked into Saoirse's ward.

"Saoirse," he said in a low voice.

Saoirse turned around to look at Matthew.

"Have you eaten breakfast? I'll ask the nurse to bring you some food."

"No, but I don't want to eat."

"Then eat later."

He paused for a moment and then asked, "What's going on, Saoirse?"

Saoirse was silent for a moment.

"You would never fall in love with me, right? You only have that woman in your heart?" She looked straight at Matthew.

Matthew answered without hesitation, "Yes."

Although doing so was cruel to Saoirse, he could not be indecisive anymore.

Saoirse needed to give up on him as soon as possible.

A forlorn smile tugged at Saoirse's lips. "I've decided to return to the place I'm currently renting. I'm fine now. I can hire a private doctor to watch over me while I recuperate at my villa. There's no need for you to stay with me."

Matthew's eyes rippled.

"Wait a minute."

Matthew called a doctor over.

The doctor gave Saoirse an examination and confirmed that she was indeed fine. If she had a private doctor watching over her, her recuperation at home would not be a problem.

"I will arrange a driver for you later," Matthew said.

"William, let me have some peace and quiet for three days. During these three days, don't come and bother me, okay?" Saoirse pleaded, "I want to have some proper peace and quiet."

Matthew stared into her eyes. "Saoirse, promise me you won't do anything stupid!"

Saoirse replied bitterly, "I won't. You were right, I still have my friends and relatives. If my parents ever had to handle me no longer being in this world, they would be devastated. I won't do stupid things again."

Matthew heaved a sigh of relief.

Now that she had her parents in mind, she would definitely not attempt to end things rashly.

"Okay, take a good rest for the next three days. I'll pay you a visit after those three days are up," Matthew said.

Saoirse hesitated before asking, "You'll be dropping by after three days to ask me about the conclusion?"


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