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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1314

In the afternoon, Matthew finally accepted that fact.

The fact that he and Saoirse were married to each other.

He did not know why he had lost his consciousness the day before, but since what was done was done, he could not possibly go back on his words.

Already guilty towards Saoirse, he couldn't hurt her once more.

He could not make Saoirse suffer just because of his clouded consciousness.

In the end, Matthew could only bury the lady in the red dress in a place deep down in his heart.

Half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

During the past half a year, Saoirse had carried out her duty as a wife, and had always been taking care of Matthew.

But they had never had any intimate contact with each other before.

Matthew's body recovered after, and he was able to have relations with Saoirse.

However, Matthew still did not do so.

Saoirse felt really disappointed.

Matthew could see her disappointment.

He felt that he couldn't drag things on any longer. He couldn't hurt Saoirse any further.

That morning, Matthew told Saoirse about his intentions to return to his country.

"Saoirse, I will bring my father over, for him to meet you and your family," Matthew said to Saoirse.

Saoirse agreed to his request.

She personally saw Matthew off, until he boarded the plane.

"William, I'm somehow scared." Before Matthew got on the plane, Saoirse suddenly said, "I have a feeling that you won't come back again if you leave."

"Silly girl." Matthew said in a gentle voice, "I will come back."

He was not such an irresponsible man.

Saoirse then nodded. "William, when are you coming back then?"

"Within a week."

"All right."

"William, can you kiss me before you leave?"

Saoirse asked.

William had never kissed her before.

Matthew hesitated for a moment.

Inside Saoirse's blue eyes swirled a hint of yearning.

Matthew finally bent forward and gently kissed Saoirse on the forehead.

Although it was just a light peck, it still called forth a sheer satisfaction in her.

A faint smile appeared on her lips. "I'll be waiting for you to come back then."

After getting on the plane, Matthew looked out of the windows.

Outside the window there were a citadel of white cumulus.

All of a sudden, a dense puff of cloud slowly morphed into the figure of a girl - but it wasn't Saoirse.

Matthew's eyes narrowed a bit.

She had only been 16 when he met her.

He fell in love with her at first sight.

He was always a person who had never hesitated in doing something, and he immediately confessed his love to her right on the spot.

Yet she ruthlessly rejected his confession.

Matthew averted his gaze.

Perhaps from that moment Selina rejected her, he should've known that he would never end up getting together with Selina.

Matthew had made up his mind.

But then, the plane suddenly shook.

Some of the passengers began to scream.

One month later, Saoirse's waiting still hadn't yielded Matthew's return.


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