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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1342

Saoirse was somewhat surprised as well.

She put on a fake smile. "I see you're looking for William, but I'm afraid he's in a meeting right now," Saoirse said to Erine.

When Erine saw Saoirse's smile, she immediately exploded with anger.

She pointed at Saoirse angrily, "You caused such a mess for Mr. William, yet you still have the audacity to stand here and smile? You did it on purpose, didn't you? You deliberately created this news to ruin his relationship with Miss Whitlock!"

Saoirse was puzzled.

She didn't know anything about the news.

She did not have the habit of surfing the Internet.

On the other hand, even though her colleagues had seen the news, no one dared to gossip as it was related to the president. At most, they only stared at Saoirse oddly.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand," Saoirse questioned.

Erine was even angrier when she heard this.

She didn't believe a word Saoirse said.

It's all over the news, how could Saoirse not know? She was just pretending to be ignorant!

Erine increasingly felt that Saoirse was not as innocent as she seemed.

"I'm telling you, what you're doing is useless! I've served Mr. William for so many years, he was always single. How could he have married you? You even came up with such a shameless plan to snatch him from someone else. I will inform him of what you have done and let him drive you away," Erine fumed.

Natalie sat on the sofa because her whole body was aching.

She had been keeping Francia company on her shopping fest.

Francia was a shopaholic, she purchased almost everything she saw. Natalie could only follow Francia as she bought everything in each shop.

When they came back, Francia was still jumping with excitement while Natalie was completely exhausted.

Natalie thought she could finally take a break when suddenly Francia came to her again.

"My dear niece, that woman who came yesterday, your sister- in- law, has no morals," Francia commented.

Natalie was stunned.

"What are you talking about!" Natalie demanded.

Her tone was harsh.

This was the first time she had used such a tone with Francia.

Francia raised the phone in her hand.

It was the latest iPhone that Natalie had bought for her a few days ago, as per her request.

Francia handed her phone to Natalie and continued, "Look at the news, the Internet is saying that your sister-in-law is a mistress, she is dating a married man!"

She paused and added in a particularly subtle tone, "Such woman has no morals, how dare she act as someone's mistress!"

Natalie's eyes swept over the contents on the phone. She suddenly felt dizzy.

She grabbed the phone from Francia's hand and looked over the contents again, her dread grew with each word she saw.

It was an article about Matthew.

It was said that Matthew had already gotten married eight years ago, yet he still went behind his wife's back and hooked up with the daughter of the Whitlock family, who shamelessly accepted his courtship, despite knowing his marital status.

There were also photos for evidence. One was of Matthew and Saoirse's marriage certificate, and some were of them having dinner together, as well as photos of Matthew and Selina in the amusement park.

Natalie felt her head spinning.

However, Francia still yammered on, "My dear niece, you have to tell your mother-in-law and your husband to shun this sister-in-law. It's bad news for the family if we're associated with such an immoral woman, you must..."

"Shut your mouth!" Natalie shouted at her.

No matter what Francia had said these past few days, Natalie had always treated her with the utmost politeness.

However, this time, she had gone too far when she criticized Selina.


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