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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1364

She overheard some older woman discussing Matthew.

"Who would have thought Matthew Perry would do such a thing, he looks so handsome. You really can't judge a book by its cover!" they said.

"I remembered telling my daughter to find someone like Matthew before, he looked like he had a good character and a strong sense of responsibility. I didn't expect to be so wrong," another one said.

"The world has changed, now there's no more good and honest man left, most of them cheat and deceive the young woman," one woman commented.

Selina's second destination was a coffee shop where many young people gathered.

Not long after she sat down, a group of young girls sat at the table next to her.

They were discussing a popular celebrity when someone mentioned Matthew.

"Come on, stop bragging about your idols unrivalled appearance, he can't even compare to Matthew Perry," one girl stated.

"Yes, Matthew's looks are indeed out of this world, it's too bad he is a jerk. Hiding his own marital status to deceive other women, I can't believehe really stooped that low," another one scoffed.

"Yeah, even the media had always labelled him as single. Who would have thought he was married for so many years?" the other girl commented.

"But the whole thing is really strange. You see, Matthew has it all... looks, wealth and power. Even if he already had kids, many women would still throw themselves at him. Why would he even need to hide his marital status to deceive another woman?" someone questioned.

"If it was just another commoner, of course, he wouldn't need to deceive her. But this is Selina Whitlock we're talking about, the precious daughter of the Whitlock family. They are as powerful as Matthew Perry," the other person answered.

"Ugh, don't talk about that jerk anymore, I feel sick just hearing his name," one girl complained with a face of disgust.

"Ha, Annie, I thought he was your Prince Charming?" her friend jokingly asked.

"That's in the past. After what he did, he doesn't deserve a place in my heart anymore," the girl called Annie retorted.

Selina left the coffee shop.

She felt a sharp pain in her chest that became more intense with each passing moment.

These were just two places she had randomly chosen to visit, yet she had already heard so much criticism against Matthew. She could already imagine how uncontrollable the situation was.

This was something that neither Matthew nor Tobias would be able to suppress.

Selina returned to the Whitlock family home in a daze.

She pondered about her meeting with Saoirse along the way.

She should have agreed to Saoirse's proposal.

If she had heard all those comments earlier, she would've already accepted Saoirse's proposition.

Matthew held a meeting with the shareholders to appease them.

Even though he had not provided any strong or effective countermeasures, his presence alone was enough to make them calm down.

At noon, Matthew took some time to call Selina.

He tried to use a light and relaxed tone with her, "Selina, I have already pacified the shareholders. Things will get better soon, don't worry too much."

Selina only felt a sense of sorrow.

She knew that with Matthew's ability, he could definitely appease the shareholders and employees of the Perry Group, but it was impossible for him to appease everyone else.

The wave of criticism was overwhelming, and even Matthew could not suppress this.

Matthew's situation would never improve, this scandal would follow him for life.


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