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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1369

Hayden rolled his eyes. "I could see that you were unhappy, just like how I was before. So I knew that you must be very sad."

Selina's breathing caught in her throat.

"You've been unhappy before?"

Hayden nodded. "I was very sad when they told me that my father had passed away. Just like how you're feeling now."

Selina felt a heavy blow to her heart.

She thought of that period of time. Back then, they didn't know whether Tobias was alive or not.

Everyone was very sad then, but Natalie and Hayden had been the saddest.

Selina couldn't help but give Hayden a hug.

Hayden was very young at the time. How did he get through it?

"Aunt, you shouldn't be hugging me," Hayden suddenly said.

She looked at him, surprised.

Hayden broke away from her embrace.

His eyebrows curved. "I'm a man now, so I should be the one hugging you."

Selina fell silent.

She helplessly said, "Then you hug me."

Hayden hugged her.

Although his arms were still short, he managed to wrap them around Selina.

He politely said, "Aunt, you won't feel sad now that I'm hugging you. You must stay strong. There is nothing that you can't get through."

"You say that even though you don't know why I'm sad." Selina felt even more helpless.

"Aunt, I know you must be going through something very sad, just like what I went through before. We are both people that have had misfortunes," Hayden said in an adult's tone.

Selina was speechless.

"Where did you learn to speak like this?"

"I saw it on TV. "

"All right."

Cecilia's fingertips trembled.

"How did things get to this point?"

Natalie shook her head. "Mom, it was all very sudden when Matthew saw it on the news. He didn't tell anyone, and it was already too late when we found out."

"How could he be so stupid? Doesn't he know what this means?"

"Mom, Matthew only wanted to protect Selina."

"But he can't use such a radical method. It's not that he has no power. He could use a different way."

Natalie had a bitter expression, "Matthew said that this is the best way to protect Selina from potential harm."

Cecilia was taken aback.

Although she didn't agree with Matthew's behavior.

But he was right. Him getting his hands dirty instead of Selina was the best way to protect her.

In the eyes of the public, Selina was no longer the third party that everyone hated, but instead the victim that people sympathized with.

"But Matthew would destroy himself if he did that," Cecilia murmured after a while.

Matthew drove to the hospital.

He drove very fast, almost reaching the speeding limit.

He had just received a phone call. Ludwik had had a heart attack and had been admitted into the hospital.

Fortunately, it wasn't severe.

Matthew sighed with relief.

The servants who had come with Ludwik told Matthew what had happened.

Ludwik had taken a plane back to Agaphen City the night before. He heard some rumors about Matthew on the way back. He had never had a good heart and he suddenly had a heart attack.

Matthew frowned.


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