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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1425

Those 15 minutes of waiting would be enough for Caroline to speak her mind to Selina.

Just as Selina was about to stand up, Caroline quickly pressed the gun into Selina's forehead and growled, "Kneel down,"

Selina glared at Caroline with her red- rimmed eyes.

Selina gritted out every single word as she spoke, "Caroline, I kneeled down just now so that you can help me save Brennan. Do you still expect me to kneel down before you? Dream on! Kill me if you dare!"

Then, Selina stood up swiftly.

She seemed to be fearless of the gun in Caroline's hand and stared intently into Caroline's eyes.

"This is great. I like how you're still brave enough to stand up to me!" Caroline's eyes seemed to be imbued with malice as she continued, "Nevertheless, I'd like to see how long you'll be able to stand up to me when your body is full of worms and poison!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Selina retorted.

Caroline chuckled and said, "It's not nonsense, Selina. Do you remember that time Brennan asked you out for a meal and we were all drinking? I'm pretty sure you didn't know that I placed a vermin into your glass. Have you heard of the Witch Clan's vermin? I put that into your glass,"

Selina couldn't believe it, "What are you talking about? All of this doesn't make sense. Do you think I will believe your petty lies?"

"You don't believe me?" The corners of Caroline's lips curled up into a grin, "Have you been having headaches lately?"

Selina froze.

How would Caroline know that she was having headaches lately?

Caroline continued, "Originally, the vermin would have made your body rot, but you're pregnant and your baby is the one that's absorbing all the poison, which is why you're only having headaches lately. Don't worry, you won't be able to run away from the effects of the vermin. The same thing goes to your baby,"

Selina felt as if her whole being had been struck by thunder.

If it weren't for her recent headaches and the words the doctor uttered during her last ultrasound, she would never believe those ridiculous words that were coming out of Caroline's mouth.

But now!

Selina's voice trembled a little as she said, "Caroline, what the hell did you do to me? Explain to me, how do you know that I've been having headaches?"

"Nadia," Caroline's lips curved into a cold and venomous smile, "Do you still remember Nadia? Her husband offended you and was sent to jail by Matthew. Ever since then, she bore a grudge against you. It's just nice that she's from the Witch Clan. Do you know that there are many people in the Witch Clan who rear vermin? She's one of them,"

Caroline's words got more brutal and gruesome when she saw the incredulous shocking expression Selina wore on her face, "When Matthew imprisoned her husband, I went to find her. She had reared that vermin especially for you. I put it in the glass that you used to drink. You have parasites all over your body and because of that, your headaches will only worsen. Slowly, your body will dry out and you'll die,"

Then, Caroline burst into fits of sinister laughter.

There was an antidote.

Caroline had specially asked Nadia to make the


Although she hated Selina, her hatred was not to the point of wanting Selina to die.

Her initial plan was to torment Selina a little until Selina was willing to cry and beg for her mercy. Then, Caroline might consider saving Selina's life.

Now, her plan had changed.

She wanted Selina to die.

Selina must die.

Selina must die to pay for her father's life.

The antidote had been trampled into grains by Caroline.

Not to mention that Nadia was killed and gone.

The poison in Selina's body could no longer be cured.

Selina was destined to die.

Selina felt as if thousands of knives were being pierced into her body, and she was immersed in tremendous pain and agony.

She told herself that it was not true.

How could there be such an inconceivable thing in the world.

However, something was nagging and wringing at her heart.


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