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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1458

Natalie was about to get Mom when she suddenly stopped. She looked at Selina. "Selina, are you going to tell Mom that you are going to separate from Matthew again?"

Selina looked tired as she shook her head. "No."

Natalie breathed a sigh of relief. "Then I'll go and call Mom."

After a while, Natalie and Cecilia came down together.

Cecilia looked unhappy when she saw Selina. Before Selina could speak, she said, "Selina, why didn't you come with Matthew? I'll assume that whatever you said last night was nonsense. Don't ever say it again. Just live a good life with Matthew!"

Cecilia took a seat on the sofa as she spoke.

The servant had made a few extra cups of brown sugar water. Natalie handed one to Cecilia. "Mom, have one too."

Cecilia took the brown sugar water and said with a sigh, "Natalie, you're the only one who cares about me,"

Natalie smiled. "Mom, Selina is filial too. She listens to you."

Cecilia looked at Selina, who lowered her head and remained silent.

She felt a little better.

"Selina, listen to my advice. Matthew is a good man. Stop causing trouble everyday. What's more, you are pregnant with Matthew's child. Even if you don't think for yourself, you have to think for the child in your belly, you..."

"Mom." Selina finally opened her mouth and interrupted Cecilia. "The child is gone."

Cecilia was taken aback. "What did you say?"

Selina's expression was normal, as if she hadn't said something out of the ordinary. "Mom, the child is gone. I got rid of it this morning."


The cup in Cecilia's hand fell to the ground.

The drink spilt all over the floor. The sugar was thick and its colour was as bright as fresh blood.

Cecilia suddenly stood up and stared at Selina with a pale face. "Selina, repeat what you said."

"Mom, I have already gotten rid of the child."

Cecilia fell backward, but fortunately, Natalie held her up in time.

She guided Cecilia to sit on the sofa.

Cecilia's face was pale and she was left speechless.

Natalie quickly called the in-house doctor.

The doctor gave Cecilia some pills.

Natalie was also stunned when she heard what Selina had said. She said hurriedly, "Selina, you were just joking, right? You just lied to me and Mom, right? How could you get rid of the child? Tell us that you were just lying,"

There was sadness in Selina's eyes. "Natalie, I'm not lying. The baby in my belly is really gone."

"Why!" Cecilia's angry scream suddenly rang through the entire villa. "Selina, why would you do this!"

Selina dug her nails into her palm. "Mom, haven't I told you that I want to get rid of this child? If I don't want to be with Matthew, it makes sense to get rid of his child."


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