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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1606

Yesseca was amazed at how fast Kylin was putting what he learnt to use. And when he did, he made it sound so reasonable that anyone who heard it would be stunned.

Right then, someone's phone rang.

It was his phone.

After answering the call, he hung up after saying a few words.

Looking at her with a smile, he said, "It looks like you must have dinner with me now. Selina called me and asked you to eat with us."

So it was a call from Selina.

Immediately, she agreed.

After all, she wanted to have a chat with Selina as well.

When they arrived at the Perry family home, dinner was ready.

Selina seized Yesseca up and said to her, "It's been a while since you came. Look at you! You look like you've lost some weight."

"That's not true." Touching her face, Yesseca felt like she had put on weight instead.

"No, you did lose some weight." With that, Selina called for Erine and asked her, "Erine, touch Yesseca and tell me if she looks slimmer now."

Hearing her words, Erine touched Yesseca's cheeks and said, "Not really. But if she did lose some weight, I have great news. I made a ton of delicious dishes for Miss Cowell to gain some back."

Selina took Yesseca's hand and said, "That's right. Let's have dinner now. Erine made all of your favorite food."

Seeing the food on the table, Yesseca exclaimed, "Selina, why are you having dinner only now?"

Then, Selina replied, "I heard from Kylin that he would be bringing you to the old folk's home. So I figured you two would take some time. Hence, I asked Erine to fix dinner a little later today."

Hearing this, Yesseca felt an ache in her heart. Her gaze fell on Selina's belly. Selina was close to her due date, and her belly was huge. "Selina, you're pregnant. How could you wait for me? What if you starve the baby inside your belly?"

"That's impossible." Selina smiled as she looked at Erine and explained, "Erine has been serving me snacks throughout the day. I had too much food."

Erine reassured Yesseca, "That's right. Miss Cowell, you don't have to worry about her not

having enough food. With Mr. Perry here, Miss Whitlock will never be hungry. He even just went out to get her some sour cream pudding."

Sour cream pudding was a specialty from the market in the other neighborhood. Just that afternoon, Selina had phoned Matthew, saying that she was craving them. He drove straight towards there to get it for her.

Yesseca was relieved to hear this.

Then, the three of them sat down to eat.

During the meal, Kylin had been taking dishes for Yesseca and putting them on her plate.

Seeing this, she said, "You don't have to. I can do it myself. You can enjoy your meal."

However, he continued to take some dishes for Selina, saying, "It's natural for a gentleman to serve the ladies."

Smiling, Selina said, "Yesseca, this is just how he is. Let him be."

Since Selina had said so, Yesseca had nothing more to say.

After the meal, Selina smiled and said to Kylin, "Kylin, would you excuse us? I would like to have a chat with Yesseca. It's been some time, and I have a lot to say to her."

He said, "Alright, I won't bother you."

Selina took Yesseca to the couch and asked Erine to bring over two cups of coffee.

However, Erine came back with a cup of coffee and juice each.

The juice was for Selina, while the coffee was for Yesseca.


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