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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1646

Being under Tremaine's gaze, Yesseca's heart beat like a drum. Although she was in a panic, she forced herself not to lower her head, but to meet his eyes.

After a few beats, Tremaine raised the corner of his mouth and said, "You really are a fool."

After saying those words, he went downstairs.

When he had disappeared completely, Yesseca felt like she had lost all of her strength at once and almost collapsed to the ground. It took a lot of effort for her to return to the living room. She then sat down on the sofa.

She'd better wash her pants that were still left uncleaned in the bathroom.

But now, she was in no mood to do any cleaning.

She was thinking about what Tremaine had just said.

Tremaine had told her that she really was a fool.

Did that mean that he thought she was stupid?

She connected this encounter with Tremaine's jealous actions from before.

A white beam of light streaked across Yesseca's mind.

Yesseca's lips trembled.

Did Tremaine really like her?

Her heart was in a mess.

God, how could this be!

Tremaine liked her!

Yesseca's face instantly turned red. It was burning hot. Even though there was no one around and no one could see her awkward state, she still covered her face with her hands.

After a long time, Yesseca finally removed her hands from her face.

She stood up.

She was not in the mood to wash her pants, so she decided to put it off until tomorrow.

Yesseca went to her bedroom.

She laid on the bed.

After tossing and turning, Yesseca took out a photo from under her pillow.

It was a photo of her and Lothar.

Both of them were beaming happily at the camera.

Yesseca looked at Lothar who was in the photo and muttered, "Lothar, I'm done. I'm so done."

It felt as though Yesecca's heart had been split open, with all kinds of emotions roaring within.

Perhaps it was because of the baby, but Selina found it difficult to fall asleep that night.

She even woke up in the middle of the night.

All because her baby was moving back and forth.

Tonight the baby had been moving again, and Selina was awoken by it.

She touched her belly helplessly. "Hey small fellow, calm down a little."

The only response she received was a bulge on the right side of her stomach.

Selina turned on the lights and a glow enveloped the room.

After staring at her belly for a long time, the baby finally stopped moving.

The baby was asleep, but Selina was unable to do the same.

Selina took a look at Matthew, who was sleeping next to her.

Matthew was still sleeping soundly.

She had turned on the lights for such a long time, yet Matthew didn't stir one bit.

Selina had often woke up in the middle of the night during the later term of pregnancy. Matthew noticed this as well. Every time Selina woke up, he would wake up too.

After waking up, she would want to talk. Matthew would accompany her, and they would talk until dawn.

But where Selina could catch up on her sleep later on, Matthew had to get ready to go to work.

This sort of pattern had continued for a long while. Nowadays, Matthew was too exhausted to be woken up by Selina turning on the lights.

Selina turned off the lights and left the bedroom.

She couldn't fall asleep and wanted to chat with someone, but she didn't want to wake up Matthew, who was extremely tired. She wanted to go downstairs and eat something to kill time.

She went downstairs and took some yogurt and fruit. The more she ate, the more awake she felt.

Selina walked out of the villa.

She thought of walking around the villa.

There were streetlights outside. Although it was not as bright as day, it wasn't very dark either. She walked to the vegetable garden.

Chapter 1646 1

Chapter 1646 2


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