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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1651

Tremaine ignored Yesseca and continued driving.

In her fit of anger and panic, Yesseca also felt resentful.

Tremaine was just too much.

He just had to get his way!

Didn't she even have the right to reject his invitation to dinner with him?

Why did he throw her into the car?

He must see all women as playthings and did whatever he wanted with them.

Feeling horribly wronged, Yesseca began to cry.

Each teardrop was crystal clear.

Tremaine noticed that she was crying.

He stopped the car.

"What are you crying for?" Tremaine asked.

Yesseca just ignored him as she sobbed even louder.

He frowned.

Since she was on her period, her temperament was wildly unpredictable, but he still felt like she was overreacting.

Tremaine took out a tissue and handed it to her. "Wipe your tears."

Yesseca didn't respond to him at all.

Yesseca slapped Tremaine's hand away and said, "I don't want your tissue,"

His hand stung from Yesseca's slap, which was quite strong.

His eyebrows furrowed into a tight knot.

He spoke with a gravelly tone. "You're the first woman who has ever dared to hit me."

Yesseca stared at him with tears in her eyes. "You think every woman out here has to please you? I'm not interested in playboys like you!"

Tremaine looked at her quietly.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and placed it on Yesseca's forehead.

Yesseca was quiet.

Once again, she slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me!"

He said coldly, "You don't have a fever. It seems that I should have bought some tranquillizers for you as well yesterday. You're behaving very erratically,"

Yesseca felt even more wronged, and it was becoming more and more evident on her face.

She wasn't behaving this way because of her period. It was because she despised Tremaine.

After Montez told her who he really was, she hated him very much.

"I want to go home. I don't want to have dinner with you. I want to go home!" Yesseca yelled while staring at Tremaine.

A cold glint flashed in Tremaine's eyes.

He had never been a good-tempered man.

He came all the way here that afternoon, just to pick Yesseca up for dinner. Instead of being pleasantly surprised, she ignored him, then stared at him with a cold expression and exhausted his patience. He felt a wave of dissatisfaction erupt in his heart.

Tremaine turned the car around.

After speeding along for some time, they arrived at Yesseca's apartment building.

Neither of them spoke on the way there. The atmosphere was freakishly quiet.

When they arrived, Yesseca quickly opened the door and got out of the car.

She didn't even say goodbye to Tremaine.

Tremaine watched Yesseca disappear into the corridor and then looked away.

"Ridiculous." Tremaine punched the steering wheel with his fist.

It was simply ridiculous!

He didn't get to have dinner with Yesseca today. Instead, he was treated to a meal of anger and disappointment.

Tremaine was just about to leave when he stopped himself.

He just realized something.

Yesseca didn't have anything to eat.


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