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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1653

Yesseca's tone was harsh and piercing to the ear.

Tremaine's face fell.

He thought Yesseca was calling to apologize, not to throw even more accusations at him.

He had gotten her takeout out of good intentions, because she was so upset and hadn't had anything to eat. Now she was calling him to cause even more trouble.

"I ordered you some takeout. I was worried you didn't have anything to eat." Tremaine controlled his temper.

Yesseca screamed, "I don't want it. Take it back,"

"I'm not taking it back."

Yesseca bit her lip. After a brief moment, she said, "If you don't take it back, I'll throw it into the trash can,"

She had said that out of anger, but Tremaine took it seriously and replied, "If you want to throw it away, then just throw it, do as you wish!"

Yesseca got annoyed.

She was just saying that to get a reaction out of him, but hearing Tremaine's reply only fueled her anger even more. She walked over to the trash can

and threw the paper box inside.


Tremaine heard the box fall into the trash can.

"I threw everything into the trash can," Yesseca said.

Tremaine felt a chill in his heart.

He had done so much for her, but she didn't appreciate any of it.

Even if she was on her period and couldn't control her emotions, she was being way too harsh with him.

"Yesseca," Tremaine parted his lips and emphasized each word, "You've broken my heart,"

Yesseca was shocked.

This was the first time Tremaine had ever said something like this to her. She felt all her blood rush into her brain.

In a panic, she suddenly felt that she had done something terribly wrong.

However, she bit the bullet and said, "You must have ordered takeout for all your other women. I don't need anything from a playboy like you,"

"It was only you." Tremaine said, "I only ordered that for you,"

Yesseca's brain buzzed.

She clenched the cell phone. "Then you must have bought sanitary pads for all those women when they've had their periods..."

She said that rather awkwardly.

Tremaine sneered at his end of the phone.

"Yesseca, that was the first time I've ever bought them." Tremaine emphasized, "You fool!"

Yesseca was quiet.

Her mind was a mess.

Tremaine added, "Of course I'm a much bigger fool than you are!"

If he wasn't a fool, why was he being so nice to such an ungrateful woman?

Tremaine hung up the phone right after.

"Beep beep beep..." Yesseca was stunned for quite some time after she heard the dial tone.

She placed her cell phone down.

She realized that she had messed up horribly.

She knelt down.

She stared at the takeout in the trash can.

Tremaine had kindly ordered takeout for her. Why did she throw it into the trash can?

This wasn't who she was.

She would be incredibly grateful to those who

were kind to her. How did she end up being such a heartless person?

Yesseca thought about this for a very long time, but she couldn't figure it out.

All she knew was that after Montez told her his father was a playboy, she became angry.

She burned with anger at the very sight of Tremaine.

She felt that whatever Tremaine did to her, he had done the same for all those other women. She felt disgusted, and she hated that she felt this way.

Yesseca slowly stood up a short while later.

She patted her head.

Tremaine had said over the phone that he had never ordered takeout for any other woman before, nor had he taken such good care of them on their periods.

She was the only one.



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