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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 212

On the other side, Thomson had always wanted to expand his family business back in his home country. The real estate industry in the local market was flourishing and Thomson also intended to profit from it.

Of all places, he thought Agaphen City was a great place to start with. Therefore, he planned to build a connection with Tobias.

"I'm very interested in the land located on the north side of Agaphen City, and looking at how businesses are done locally, money alone is not enough; connections are essential. That's pretty disappointing." Thomson sighed deeply.

However, Tobias did not carry on the conversation.

After the polite greetings, he managed to capture one of Thomson's weaknesses, and he thought it was the time to use it against him.

Tobias spoke in an indifferent tone as if he was narrating something common. "Mr. Perry, have you heard that there is a worldwide underground organization?"

"What organization?" Thomson's eyes were filled with doubts.

Tobias parted his lips and continued, "An organization that hunts little girls."

Suddenly, Thomson's expression changed.

However, he quickly regained his composure. "Mr. Whitlock, are you interested in this organization as well?"

Tobias smiled, but it did not reflect in his eyes. "Mr. Perry, I don't have such a fetish. I heard that a few people from this organization died a few years ago. The police were initially going to investigate it but you suppressed the investigation. Why did you do so?"

Storms were ranging at the bottom of Thomson's eyes and different emotions appeared on his face.

"Mr. Whitlock, could it be that those people have something to do with you?" After a while, Thomson fixed his eyes on Tobias.

He wanted to know Tobias's motives for inquiring about this matter.

"The people who died tragically have nothing to do with me. Relax, Mr. Perry. I am not here for revenge."

Thomson sighed with relief.

Although the Perry Group had a strong business foundation, if Tobias really wanted to pick on them, Perry Group might not even be a match for Tobias.

"Mr. Whitlock, then why are you concerned about this matter?" Thomson tried asking tentatively.

Tobias's eyes darkened. "Mr. Perry, surely there's a reason for me asking, but I apologize for I can't tell you now."

Thomson pondered for a moment.

"Mr. Whitlock, it turns out that those policemen were taken away by your men."

"Yes, they are." Tobias had no qualms for admitting it.

Thomson stared at Tobias. "It seems that you're determined to find out the truth?"

His gaze was pressuring.

Thomson had been in the business field for many years and he had an established status. His stern aura was enough to frighten ordinary people.

Tobias looked back at Thomson. Looking on par with his gaze, his expression remained the same.

"Indeed, Mr. Perry. I insist on finding the truth."

Thomson smiled and said, "If that's the case, I have nothing much to tell."

"The land at the north of Agaphen City. If you're willing to disclose information, I will hand you the land."

Thomson was stunned.

Getting that land in Agaphen City was a great temptation. If he could have that piece of land, maybe the Perry Group could officially enter the country.

Also, he had wasted a lot of effort to get his hand on this piece of land but it was unsuccessful.

Right at that moment, Tobias actually offered him that piece of land.

In fact, it was nothing secretive that couldn't be disclosed. After all, it wouldn't pose much of a threat to the Perry Group after such a long time.

Thomson's eyes were surging with emotions.

"Mr. Whitlock, let me think about it for a night. I'll let you know the answer the next day." Thomson stood up.

Though he knew the reply, he wanted to wait till the next day just so that he could emphasize the importance of this matter. Besides, he didn't want to reveal the matters to others so easily.

Tobias stood up as well. He held his hand out and said, "Mr. Perry, see you tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow." Thomson shook his hand.

It was already late when Tobias returned to his bedroom.

To prevent himself from disturbing Natalie, he decided not to turn on the light.

Under the dim light along the corridor, he could tell that the bedroom was different from the rest.

Surprisingly, he did not have any fancy thoughts at that moment.

He felt anxious when the truth was about to be revealed.

He was uncertain how the truth would turn out to be.

On the spacious bed, rose- colored tassels were dangling down from the bed curtain.


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