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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 415

However, a sarcastic smile played at the corner of Natalie's lips once again.

She had thought too much. How could Tobias be insane?

He was such a rational and smart man. How would he lose his mind?

She should be the one who should go insane rather than him.

Natalie pushed the shopping cart around the market and took some daily necessities and fruits.

She had been eating a lot of fruits recently as she hoped that the baby would be born healthy.

Natalie also casually picked up some avocados after seeing how fresh they were.


Suddenly, a loud bang resounded through the entire supermarket.

The avocados in Natalie's hand fell to the ground.

Bang! Bang!

More consecutive gunshots were heard, shaking the entire supermarket.

Immediately, the sound of running, crying, and calling for help sounded.

Natalie could vaguely hear words like "rioters, run, gunshots" and so on.

She was overwhelmed by fear.

When she first came to France, she had heard about rioting incidents.

She had heard about it from Lynn.

It was said that a group of rioters would break into the university and kill many students and teachers.

The place where Lynn said the incident took place was far away from the place where Natalie was now. That was why she did not take it to heart at all.

What was more, she used to stay in Glevania, and such things almost would not happen in Agaphen City.

Natalie had never thought that she would encounter such a thing in her life.

However, she actually encountered it this time.

She was enveloped in great fear.

After a moment, she regained her senses and ran to the supermarket exit quickly.

The sound of gunshots came from the inside of the supermarket just now.

Countless people rushed to the exit of the supermarket, and the crowd pushed and shoved.

At a moment like this, everyone was selfish, putting their lives first. No one cared about others at this time.

French people, especially French men, were very polite gentlemen.

Normally, when Natalie went out, she would often encounter people who gave up their seat for her, or helped her when they saw that she was pregnant.

However, at this moment of life and death, no one had the time to care about her.

People were pushing her so hard that she was on the verge of falling down.

This supermarket was located underground. In order to leave, you had to take the elevator or climb up the stairs.

Both the elevator and the stairs were crowded with people.

She could not squeeze in the elevator, and could only climb the stairs. However, countless people jostled towards her.

She did not have the strength to climb the stairs.

The baby in her belly seemed to have felt something and was desperately moving. Her belly bulged from time to time.

Did the baby in her womb feel afraid as well?

Natalie was holding tightly to the handrail.

She wanted to climb, but could not move at all. She could only hold on tightly to the handrail. Otherwise, she would probably be pushed down by the panicked crowd and get trampled to death.

Bang! Bang!

Two more gunshots rang out. This time, the gunshots got even closer.

The crowd became more panicked.

Natalie felt that she was losing her grip on the handrail.

Her body was about to fall backwards.

"Don't push, don't push..." She shouted with fear.

She did not want to die.

She had a baby in her belly.

She would be meeting her baby in less than a month's time. How could she die at this time?

Moreover, the baby in her womb had not seen this world yet. How could her baby simply die here with her?

At this time, her shouts were useless.

Her shouts were quickly drowned out by the cries of the crowd.


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