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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 536

Suddenly, Natalie felt an excruciating pain reverberating from her stomach.

Her face blanched as she curled up in agony.

"Natalie, what's wrong?" Tobias stopped moving.

She clutched her stomach and groaned, "Mr. Whitlock, my stomach hurts so much."

Natalie was hit by a wave of agonizing pain she had never felt before.

The private doctor in the villa examined Natalie and suggested she be sent to the hospital for a further check-up.

Natalie's heart jolted upon hearing his words.

She always thought that Whitlock family's private doctor was very professional. A few days ago, she had a little cold. She called him for a prescription, and quickly recovered after taking his medicine.

But now, after hearing the doctor's advice that she should go to the hospital for a check-up, and the pain was like no pain she had ever felt-

irrational chills went down her spine as she shivered. Could it be cancer?

Was it abdominal cancer? Or something else?

Earlier that morning, she had just read about news of a girl getting stomach cancer because she consumed too much instant noodles.

Natalie was a glutton when it came to food, and she ate almost everything. When she lived alone in her apartment, she often ate midnight snacks from food stalls with Yvonne. Had she really gotten an incurable disease?

The more she thought about it, the more believable it sounded in her head.

She felt as the whole sky was crumbling down.

On the way to the hospital, Natalie looked at Tobias with tears in her eyes, stammering. "Mr. Whitlock, do you think I have stomach cancer or something like that?"

Tobias could not find the words to answer her.

It would be impossible for her to get cancer since she had always been in such good health.

Tobias thought it was probably the seafood they had for dinner.

Cecilia cooked seafood, and Natalie was greedy, so she had eaten a lot that night.

"Natalie, that's your paranoia talking. Don't overthink it. It's nothing." He held her hand gently.

But Natalie wouldn't believe him.

Along their car ride, she became more convinced that her assumptions were right.

"No, I must have gotten stomach cancer or worse. Otherwise, why would such a skillful private doctor refer me to the hospital?"

Although private doctors had excellent medical skills, some conditions would still need to be checked with special, heavy-duty equipment. That was the reason the doctor asked her to go to the hospital for an examination.

However, Natalie did not think of this at all.

"Natalie, you're too cute for God to give you a short life," Tobias cooed tenderly.

Natalie shook her head and said, "But what if I have stomach cancer? Mr. Whitlock, tell me, what should I do?"

Tobias gave her nose a playful tap.

She was just like before. She always used to overthink things, and she used to have such exaggerated imagination.

"Even if you have stomach cancer, I still want you, Natalie."

Natalie's breath hitched.

"Will you still want me even when I'll die in a few days?" She followed with a tearful question.

"Yes," he replied, his eyes rapt on her face.

Natalie couldn't understand it.

She had only known Tobias for a short time, but why did he act like he was so deeply in love with her?

She plucked up her courage and asked, "Mr. Whitlock, why do you like me so much? We've only known each other for a short while."

Something flashed in Tobias's dark eyes, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

He paused for a moment before squeezing her hand tightly. "Fate is a funny thing, Natalie. Some people fall in love at first sight, and once they do, their love will never change."

Natalie licked her dry lips.

Did he just imply that...he fell in love with her at first sight?

She fought to ask him that question. It would make her seem like she was flattering herself.

However, Tobias seemed to have read her mind perfectly.

"I'm in love with you, Natalie. I will love you till the end of my life, and my love for you will never change."

"What about the next life?" Natalie blurted, before she could stop herself.

"I would also want you in the next life. And all the lives after." His dark eyes bore into her soul, and she felt herself being sucked into the abyss. There was more than just mere consolation in his voice; there was also a strong, undeniable and unhidden sincerity.


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