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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 551

But who knew Tobias and Natalie would still break up.

"Miss Godfrey, I know for a fact Mr. Whitlock dotes on you. Why did you break up with him?" Benjamin asked, trying to be the peacemaker.

He did not actually like intervening in their love life, but he had no choice. Every time Natalie broke up with Tobias, Tobias would always end up in a terrible mood - which to be fair, directly affected himself.

Thus, as Tobias's special assistant, he was obligated to do so.

Natalie rubbed her nose.

Benjamin was right. Tobias was handsome, rich, and powerful, and he had been so kind to her. She must have lost her mind, to have wanted to break up with the man of every other woman's dreams.

But she couldn't lie to herself.

"No reason. I just wanted to break up with him," she shrugged, acting nonchalant.

"I think you should think it over, Miss Godfrey. The two of you had been through so much, and it wasn't easy for you to get together," Benjamin


She tilted her head curiously and looked at him. "I had only known and dated him for a short period of time. I wouldn't exactly say we've been through a lot."

As soon as he heard her reply, Benjamin pinched his thigh and cursed himself silently.

Realizing he might have told her more than needed, he decided to refrain from continuing.

Natalie added, "Mr. Simpson, you don't have to stay here and watch over me. I'm fine. I know you're busy, so please don't waste your time on me.

Benjamin chuckled a little awkwardly. "Miss Godfrey, my job is to follow Mr. Whitlock's instructions. He ordered me to stay here with you, so this is my work."


She wanted to say something, but after she thought about it, she stopped herself.

Benjamin was only following Tobias's orders. She would only make his life difficult if she were to ask him to leave, hence she let him be.

Benjamin felt that Tobias was truly enraged this time.

Usually, Tobias would still go to Natalie immediately even though he was mad.

But it had already been three days, and he did not call once to ask about her.

Benjamin couldn't figure out what on earth was on Tobias' mind.

Finally, on the fourth day, Tobias called.

Benjamin thought he would ask about Natalie, but to his surprise, he did not.

Instead, he talked about work, which left Benjamin confused.

He was in the hospital. Why would Tobias talk about work with him?

Before he was about to end the call, Tobias suddenly asked, "How is Natalie?"

Benjamin let out a sigh of relief.

Mr. Whitlock finally asked about what had been on his mind for days.

He told him everything, but of course, he made light of the situation. He didn't want to upset his superior, after all.

"Okay." After a long moment of silence, Tobias answered, "Take good care of her."

Later, Benjamin received another task.

Tobias ordered him to install a security camera outside the emergency room.

Although he didn't give any specific explanation, Benjamin understood at once.

After all, he had been Tobias' right-hand man for so long, so he knew what he was thinking most of the time.

He must have done this because he wanted to see Natalie.

Benjamin knew that their last fight was rather serious. Tobias was probably unwilling to lay down his pride and visit Natalie in the hospital just yet, that was why he wanted to have a security camera installed instead.

Benjamin did as he was told and quickly went to work.

He took the opportunity to carry out his task when Natalie wasn't around.

Unfortunately, when he was installing the last camera, Natalie came back.

She raised her head and stared at him strangely. "What are you doing up there, Mr. Simpson?"

Just then, the security camera let out a faint clicking sound, faint enough for no one to take notice of it but Benjamin.

He had finally finished the last step of installation.

Benjamin slowly climbed down from the ladder.

"I just felt like getting a bird-eye view." He laughed dryly.

Natalie's eyebrow quirked.

Was he going mad because he was forced to stay in the hospital for so many days?

Shaking off the thought, she shifted her attention to Benjamin instead. She observed him for the whole afternoon, and the more she looked at him, the more she deemed him as good-looking.


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