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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 586

Benjamin looked up and saw Natalie.

He quickly sprang up from his seat and smiled, "Good morning, Miss Godfrey."

Natalie's gaze seemed to be scanning him and it finally landed on his pants.

He lowered his head following her gaze, soon blushing frantically.

Peanut shells were clinging all over his pants.

Benjamin coughed, then immediately bent down to brush off the shells on his pants in a haste.

"I see you enjoy eating peanuts," Natalie commented casually.

"No, I don't! I'm just in a good mood today," Benjamin immediately denied it.

"In a good mood?" Natalie suddenly understood what he meant and smiled, "That's true. You can finally avoid their scrutiny. I guess everyone in the hospital already knows who you truly are at this point, huh?"

Benjamin's face turned red. Things were even more awkward the moment he realized that that was true.

Every time he went to the hospital's washroom, all the men inside would avoid him and flee.

"Miss Godfrey, why are you here today?" Benjamin changed the topic quickly.

"I'm hereto send Remington off," Natalie replied.

Benjamin's mind churned.

He recalled what Tobias had told him last time, which was to give her some space and respect her decisions.

Based on his observations, Natalie seemed to be uninterested in Remington. She was only being polite to him.

In this case, it would not be a big deal for her to send Remington off.

"He is inside," Benjamin gestured into the ward.

Natalie nodded and entered the ward, and Benjamin followed suit.

Remington had recovered splendidly, and he was allowed to leave the hospital after completing the necessary procedures to be discharged.

The three of them bid each other goodbye at the hospital entrance.

Natalie took the bus home, whereas Benjamin got into his own car and left.

Initially, Benjamin had offered to send Natalie home, but she rejected him.

"I'll take the bus. My apartment is only a few stations away. I'll be fine," She said.

Benjamin did not insist.

After all, Tobias had told him to respect Natalie's decisions.

When Natalie arrived at the bus stop, a Ferrari pulled over.

The car window on the driver's seat rolled down, revealing a stunningly handsome face that said, "Get in the car, Natalie."

Natalie's breath was caught in her throat as she drew in a stuttered gasp.

Suddenly, a feeling of deja vu swept over her. She recalled a scene from five years ago.

Five years ago, Remington had also pulled up in front of her like this, offering to send her to school.

Time really flew.

Five years had passed in the blink of an eye.

Natalie got in Remington's car absentmindedly.

She didn't realize what she was doing until she got into the car and sat beside Remington.

Didn't she plan to take the bus? How did she end up in Remington's car?

"Why did you come to the bus stop?" Natalie turned to Remington and asked.

She remembered that Remington was the first one among them to leave.

Remington smirked, "Do you think that Benjamin will let me send you home if he sees us?"

Natalie burst out laughing. Remington was right.

"Actually, I can take the bus," She stopped laughing and said with a straight face.

"It's okay, I'll send you home."

"Still, I feel bad letting you send me home when you just recovered from a serious injury yourself."

"Do I look like I've just recovered from a serious injury?" Remington gave Natalie a sidelong glance.

She stared intently at him, while Remington winked.

A while later, she chuckled, "True, you look nothing like that."

Remington looked energetic, bearing no resemblance to a patient who had just been discharged from the hospital at all.

"I know, right?" The corner of Remington's lips curled into a mischievous smile.

For some reason, Natalie felt relaxed when she was with him.

Back then, she recalled that they had a big argument, and she had told herself never to forgive him.

However, when Remington almost died, she decided to forgive him.


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