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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 790

He wasn't touched by Natalie's words. She hadn't made him realize anything at all.

He looked at Natalie sorrowfully. "Natalie, there's no turning back for me. From the moment you lied to me, I was doomed to choose this path. I will not let you go, never!"

As he finished his words, Remington left the room and slammed the door roughly.

Natalie's fingertips started to tremble.

She finally understood why Remington was acting so paranoid.

She finally understood why Remington had imprisoned her here.

It was not only because of Remington's feelings for her, but more the thought that Natalie had deceived him. Not to mention, this incident reminded him of his past.

Remington hadn't gone crazy overnight. It was due to a continuous set of events.

Natalie gave a heavy, uncontrollable cough as she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

Tobias did not expect Remington to hide Natalie in such a place.

It was a desolate village far away from Agaphen City.

Tobias would never have thought of that place. No wonder he couldn't find Natalie despite sending numerous people to look for her.

After Yuna told him where Natalie was being hidden, Tobias set off immediately.

He straight up mobilized a private plane as he didn't want to lose even a single second.

As the weather was bad that day, the pilot flew the plane very carefully. However, Tobias felt like time was running out, so he decided to fly the plane himself.

Selina and Matthew were both on the plane too.

Selina was surprised that Tobias could fly a plane.

"I didn't know that my brother knew how to fly a plane," she murmured to herself. She didn't expect that Matthew, sitting next to her, would respond, "Your brother can do anything."

Selina beamed with pride. "You bet, my brother is the best."

Matthew smiled.

His eyes were fixed on Selina's radiant face.

They were about an hour away from the village.

Selina looked out of the window with a trace of perplexity in her eyes.

It was such a desolate place... Why would Remington imprison Natalie in such a remote area?

The truth was, if there hadn't been any solid evidence, she would never believe that Remington would commit such a crazy and paranoid crime.

In Selina's heart, Remington had always been like a fox, a cunning fox.

Why would such an intelligent man do something like this?

Selina's emotions were so complex that she felt the urge to vent to Matthew, despite not knowing him well.

Not to mention, Matthew was a warm person who would definitely lend her a listening ear.

"Matthew," Selina muttered. "Tell me, why do you think my brother is acting like this? Why did he join hands with Yuna to kidnap Natalie?"

Matthew was at a loss for words.

The corner of his mouth twitched. Although it was not the first time that Selina was talking to him, he still wasn't used to it.

He personally believed that she made him sound like an old man, even though he wasn't old at all in terms of age or appearance.

However, Selina could call him whatever she pleased.

"People can do crazy things when they're too deeply in love, and they wouldn't think logically like normal people do. Maybe that's why Remington did such a thing, he's lost his reason," Matthew said in a deep voice.

Selina was stunned.

People could do crazy things when they were too deeply in love...

"Just like me?" She suddenly murmured.

She had always been like this. She was usually a rather smart girl, but when she was with Dylan, her ability to think rationally would be thrown out the window. No matter how others persuaded her, it would be useless.

Matthew could not hear her clearly. "What did you say?"

Selina snapped out of it.

She smiled. "It's nothing. Matthew, is it the same for you? Would you become irrational if you fell in love?"

Matthew's gaze slightly darkened.


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