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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 818

Jack suddenly stood up.

He stared down at Natalie and said with a serious look, "Natalie, don't worry. Your business is my business. I will try my best to help you."

Natalie's eyes twinkled slightly, touched by his words.

She softly muttered, "Thank you, Jack."

After a while, Selina came back. When Jack saw Selina coming, he bid farewell to Natalie and left.

Selina's expression, on the other hand, didn't look good.

She looked at Natalie. "Natalie, can you come with me somewhere?"

"To where?" Natalie asked.

"Dylan's apartment."

Natalie was stunned.

Why would Selina want to go to Dylan's apartment?

Selina gritted her teeth. "He asked me to take away all the things that I gave him. I'm going to go get them now. I won't get involved with him in the


Natalie felt a little startled in her heart.

The truth was, there was no need for Selina to do something as unnecessary as going to personally get it. She could ask him to just throw them away himself, or send them back to her.

The only explanation for this was that although they had already broken up, they still wanted to have something to do with each other.

"Selina, how about we don't go? You can just let him throw it away," Natalie replied.

Selina shook her head. "No, those are the things I gave him personally. Even if they must be thrown away, I will be the one to dump them."

A hint of helplessness flashed through Natalie's eyes.

When she saw the determination in Selina's gaze, she knew that it was pointless to say anything else.

She has been through this, so she naturally understood.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

After a while, the driver sent Selina and Natalie to Dylan's apartment.

On the outside, it was a very ordinary and rundown apartment complex in Agaphen City, similar

to where Natalie used to live.

Natalie suddenly had some doubt in her heart.

Logically, a wealthy aristocrat like Selina wouldn't even have the chance to get to know a person like Dylan.

Last time, Selina had mentioned that Dylan was poor. However, why would someone so strapped on money study in a noble school like Selina's?

"Natalie, wait for me downstairs. I'll go upstairs to take my things," said Selina.

Natalie nodded.

She suppressed the emotions in her heart and waited downstairs.

Meanwhile, Selina had already gone upstairs.

The door was locked. She knocked heavily on the door, loud enough so that everyone in the corridor could hear her banging.

"Come in, the door isn't locked." Dylan's husky voice was heard.

His voice was magnetic and pleasant to the ear. Although it was hoarse, it gave his voice a unique flair.

Selina went straight inside.

The room was filled with a strong smell of smoke.

"B*stard, where are my things? Give them to me!" Selina glared at Dylan.

Dylan looked at Selina, with a sudden hint of helplessness in his tone. "Selina, you're still as hratty as ever."

"Don't you already know that I'm hratty?"

"All your things are over there. You can just take them." Dylan's gaze fell on the sofa.

Selina walked over.

There were indeed a lot of things piled up, including sneakers, CDs, and postcards which were trendy during their school days.

The rims of Selina's eyes suddenly turned red.

Those were gifts that she had given to Dylan when they were students. She didn't expect that he would still keep everything.

Selina took a deep breath. "Do you have a bag? I'll pack all these things up and throw them all into the trash can!"

"Behind the door."


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