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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 868

Natalie was stunned. "And Dylan didn't immediately go up to you two?"

Although Natalie had only met Dylan twice, she had noticed that he was a very arrogant person. If he saw Selina with another man, it would be impossible for him to pretend that he saw nothing.

Selina's tone soured, "He was too far away. I immediately let Matthew drive away, so he could not catch up with us."

Natalie licked her lips.

How could there be such a coincidence? She knew that if such a thing happened, Selina would have a hard time. After all, they had only recently broken up.

Natalie patted Selina's shoulder and said, "Selina, Dylan will find out about you and Matthew sooner or later. Since you have broken up with Dylan, you're entitled to find your own happiness."

"I know," Selina said with difficulty. "However, although I know, it is another matter to have it happen to me. Moreover, it has only been a few days since I broke up with him. I haven't been with Matthew for a long time either. I haven't adjusted my mindset yet," she added.

Ripples flashed across Natalie's eyes.

She lowered her voice and said, "Selina, don't tell me that you don't have feelings for Matthew yet?"

Selina looked as though she was in a daze.

She hesitated for a long time before she indifferently, "Natalie, I know I am despicable, but I haven't developed feelings for him yet. After all, I have only been with him for a few days. Although he treats me really well, it's hard for me to fall in love with him after just a few days."

Natalie's breathing hitched.

In the beginning, she thought that since Selina was together with Matthew, she must have feelings for him.

After all, it would be no surprise that Selina would fall for someone as exceptional and mature as Matthew.

However, listening to Selina now, it seemed that she had no feelings for Matthew at all.

Natalie's eyes flashed with a trace of worry. "Selina, does Matthew know about that?" she asked.

"He knows," Selina said bitterly. "I told him at the beginning that it would be hard for me to develop feelings for him so easily. I have to cultivate it and forget my past relationship. He agreed," Selina said. Selina paused and looked up at Natalie. "Natalie, Matthew is a good man, isn't he?"

Natalie was silent for a moment.

Since Matthew accepted what Selina said, it was obvious that he really liked Selina.

After all, a man like Matthew could get any woman. He did not have to be with a woman who still had feelings for another man.

The only explanation was that he really liked Selina, and that he would tolerate these things because of it.

"Selina," Natalie said seriously. "Matthew is really a good man. You have to cherish him and you must not let him down."

Selina bit her lip and said, "Natalie, I know, I'm trying my best to fall in love with him. I've been with him every day, thinking that we could quickly develop a relationship. However, earlier when I saw Dylan, my feelings were messed up again."

"Impossible," Natalie shook her head at Selina and said. "You have to be firm, Selina. Since you broke up with Dylan and you are with Matthew now, there's no turning back anymore. Do you understand?"

Selina bit her lip even harder.

After a while, she nodded and said, "Natalie, I


Later that night, Selina could not fall asleep.

She tossed and turned on her bed, but to no avail.

All she could think about was the moment that she saw Dylan earlier.

He saw that she was with another man, engaged in such intimacy. How would he feel? Was he upset?

Selina's heart was torn.

Although she had told herself that she was not allowed to think about it anymore.

Although she had taken Natalie's words to heart, and taken them into consideration.

However, she was still unable to control herself.

If someone's emotions could be controlled, they would not be human. They would probably be robots.


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