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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 880

"I know, mom." Selina said in a hushed tone.

Her voice was a mixed bag of emotions.

"It's good that you do," replied Cecilia. "You're a grown woman. It won't do to be so fickle. Matthew is a good man, dependable, like your brother. You should hang on to someone like him."

Selina finished her cup of coffee with one swift gulp. She didn't want to hear this again.

She placed the empty cup on the table. "I know, mom. Where's Natalie?"

"She's gone to your brother's company. She was feeling bored being by herself at home, so she went with him." There was an underlining message to Cecilia's words and Selina felt it. "The two of them are so in love with other. For a couple to be in love like that, means they've both made the right choice in their partners. Otherwise they'd just have made a mess of their marriage. Who you choose is incredibly important. Do you understand what I'm saying, dear?"

Selina suddenly stood up. "I understand, I'm going to get some rest." There was a hint of bitterness in her voice.

The next day, Selina woke up in a cold sweat.

She had another nightmare.

It was about Dylan.

She was back in the hospital ward that Dylan was in as she was walking away. Only this time, she didn't look back. She didn't stop to see him behind her. She just left.

Dylan kept following after her, but then collapsed, all the blood drained from his body.

Then he died. Right in front of her.

Selina was attacked with an overwhelming sense of loss and grief.

She realized that if Dylan died, there wouldn't be any meaning left in life for her.

Faced with such a morbid reality, she awoke in a fright.

Thank goodness it was only a dream.

It wasn't real.

She steadied herself by placing a hand over her chest.

After cleaning herself up, she walked out of her room and happened to catch sight of Natalie and Tobias in a loving kiss.

Tobias was on his way to work, and they were giving each other a farewell kiss.

Even from a distance, she could feel the warm and sweet air the two lovebirds were radiating.

She saw in their eyes how much they loved each other, it was as though they were the only two people on earth.

Real love!

Selina felt a stirring in her heart.

After Tobias had left, Selina walked down the stairs.

"Natalie," called Selina.

Natalie turned around and noticed Selina.

She walked over to her with a beaming smile. "I see you're awake, Selina."

Selina nodded.

She could see it in her eyes, they were filled with unmistakable joy.

"Natalie, are you happy being with my brother?" blurted Selina without realizing it.

Natalie's smile broadened. "Of course! That goes without saying."

"My mom keeps telling me that if someone finds the right person, then they'll be happy. Is it true?"

Natalie nodded.

"Honestly, I think she's wrong."

Natalie was surprised.

This was a very sudden confession from Selina. "What was she wrong about?" Natalie pressed.

Selina's eyes gleamed with burning clarity. "If you want to be happy, it's not enough to just find the right person. The most important thing is to find someone you really love."

Natalie's lips curled back into a warm smile. "Of course, Selina. You should love one another if you want to be happy together. It is the most essential element."

Selina took a deep breath.

"I get it, Natalie. I won't be having breakfast at home today. I have to go now. Bye!" Selina then took off in a hurry.

Natalie watched Selina as she zipped off.

What on earth was going on with her?

Selina took out her phone and called Matthew.

It was answered promptly.

Matthew's voice with a little gruff, probably because he had just woken up.


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