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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 906

He had never liked to meddle in other people's affairs. However, this time, he really didn't want Selina to miss out on Matthew.

Selina was appalled by what Tobias said.

She stared at Tobias. "Tobias, did Matthew tell you what happened between us just so that he could ask you to force me into his arms?"

"Selina, Matthew didn't do that. I am the one who would like you two to be together."

Selina sneered. "Huh, just because we had sex? This is not the feudal age anymore, Tobias. Just because we slept together, it doesn't mean that we must get married. Can you not be such a traditionalist?"

"Selina, that's enough!" Tobias suddenly stood up. "How old are you?"

Selina bit her lip.

"You're only one year younger than Natalie, but you are still not married yet. How much more time do you want to waste being with the wrong man? Know your limit, and you better think of what I said!"

Natalia nudged Tobias as she stood beside him.

She felt that Tobias was being too harsh on Selina.

After all, Selina had just been...

Tobias finally stopped after Natalie nudged him.

Natalie pulled Tobias into their bedroom.

She sounded reproachful. "Tobias, I don't think you should talk like that to Selina. After what happened, she must have felt awful already, and yet you continued to lecture her..."

Selina had been spoilt since she was a child. She must had been devastated after losing her virginity. Tobias' ruthless comments on top of everything that had happened would surely make her feel worse.

Tobias seemed pained. "Natalie, she wouldn't even listen at all if I was any gentler."

Tobias did not try explain any further to Natalie.

He knew Selina better than Natalie did.

Did she think that he wanted to speak like that to Selina?

However, Selina wouldn't have listened if he didn't do so, and she and Matthew would have ended up staying in this stagnant situation.

Perhaps, it wasn't nice to agitate Selina this way.

However, Selina wouldn't be able to make a fresh new start if Tobias hadn't done that.

There would be rainbows after every storm.

One must had a break through if they wanted a changed, new life.

Perhaps, this was the turning point that Selina needed, for her to finally be with a better man.

Selina started smashing everything in her room after Tobias left.

Her tears was streaming down her cheeks as she threw another glass figurine at the wall.

What a joke. Matthew was clearly the one who took advantage of her.

Even so, her brother, her own brother, didn't even stand up for her. Instead, he reprimanded her and even wanted her to be with Matthew.

Selina wanted to swear out loud.

Was Tobias really her brother?

Or was Matthew too good at pretending to be someone nice? Why was everyone siding with him?

He was clearly despicable. She was his nephew's girlfriend, and so how could he have done that to her?

On top of that, even Tobias had spoken up for him now!

What a joke!

Selina felt that everything was so ironic.

She was so infuriated, as if there was a fire burning within her.

She broke almost everything in her room.

The servants were shocked when they heard the smashing sounds from Selina's bedroom. They quickly rushed over to tell Natalie and Tobias about it.

Natalie immediately stood up.

It had to stop. She had to go and talk to Selina.

However, Tobias pulled her back.

He told her not to go.

Natalie was getting antsy, "Tobias, I think you were too harsh to Selina earlier. She's just a little girl. How do you expect her to stomach everything that you said? I need to be there to comfort her. Even if it's useless, I just want her to feel better."


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