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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 971

Selina named the dog Rocky.

Sure enough, the puppy started barking at Matthew.

"Woof woof woof!"

Matthew petted the puppy's head, "Be good, stop it!"

The puppy suddenly stopped barking just as Matthew started petting it, and even wagged its tail at Matthew. Its bright eyes were full of affection.

Selina was speechless.

She grumbled in her heart.

F*ck, the dog was a traitor!

This dog must have been a female dog to be giving in to Matthew so easily as soon as it saw his handsome face.

As the puppy stopped making any noise, Matthew kissed Selina again.

Selina let out a sobbing sound.

The man's kiss was getting deeper and deeper, like she was becoming his.

Selina wanted to push Matthew away, but

Matthew held her so tight so she couldn't push him away at all.

The kiss didn't end until Erine walked over.

Matthew let go of Selina.

Selina's face was bright red when she saw that Erine had bumped into them when Matthew was kissing her.

However, compared to the blush on Selina's face, Matthew appeared to be as calm as ever.

Erine on the other hand immediately covered her eyes and uttered, "Oh no, I didn't see anything. Mr. Matthew, Miss Whitlock, please continue!"

After that, Erine immediately left the scene.

Selina went quiet briefly.

She glared at Matthew with embarrassment and anger, "It's all your fault that Erine saw us. This is so embarrassing for me!"

Matthew laughed and said, "It's normal for men and women to have needs, you're just thinking too much."

Selina didn't know what to say.

What Matthew said seemed to indicate that he had done nothing wrong, but it was Selina who had had dirty thoughts.

In the evening, Selina and Matthew had dinner.

That night, there was soup. It was not a lot, but enough for one person.

Erine said that she cooked it specially for Selina.

Selina tasted it and found it extremely delicious.

She couldn't help but said to Erine, "Erine, did you make this? It's so delicious."

Erine's plump face smiled and said, "Yes, I made it. This soup has a special nutrient!"

As Erine had made it specially for her, and also because she saw some herbs in it, she thought that the soup was for a better complexion.

She couldn't help but smiled, "I know what the nutrient is good for, it's..."

"It's good for pregnancy!" Before Selina could say it, Erine shouted excitedly.

Selina almost choked on a mouthful of soup.

Through the corner of her eyes, she saw that Matthew had also stopped eating and was looking at her with a faint smile.

Selina wanted to dig a hole and hide in it.

D*mn it! How could she think that it was for a better complexion? Fortunately, she hadn't said it out loud earlier. Otherwise, she would have been embarrassed.

Regardless, why did Erine suddenly prepare this kind of soup for her?

Selina was so speechless, she almost felt like crying.

"Erine, can you stop giving me such pleasant surprises?" Selina couldn't help complaining.

Erine immediately said, "Miss Whitlock, you have to work harder. You must know that where I come from, women at your age would already have children that are almost young adults now."

"Really?" Selina said powerlessly.

"Of course, so you have to drink more, Miss Whitlock."

"Indeed, you have to drink more." Matthew suddenly chipped in too.

Selina couldn't help but glare at Matthew.

Erine was still going on, "Miss Whitlock, your child in the future will definitely be the most beautiful and an elite among all other children. You and Mr. Matthew are both so good-looking, so your child would surely be stunning!"

Selina's eyelashes fluttered slightly.

In fact, Erine was right. If she and Matthew had a child, the child would certainly be the most blessed child on earth.


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