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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1992

Johan's words frightened Miranda so much that her face turned pale. "Johan, Mrs. Silas adopted me. I would have died a long time ago if it weren't for her. How could I have nothing to do with the Silas family?"

Johan's face was somber, and his voice chilled Miranda to her bones. "You know that my mother was the one who took you in, but look at what you've been up to all these years?"

"Johan, what- what did I do?" Miranda said, trembling with fear.

Miranda was an expert at feigning a pitiful appearance and reaping sympathy from others. She even managed to tear up and gazed heart-wrenchingly at Johan at that very moment.

However, Johan did not buy into her ploy at all. Not only did his eyes demonstrate her no pity, there was also a trace of disdain that Miranda had never seen before.

He loathed her.

Upon realizing that, Miranda's heart was broken. Johan had been her dream for those past years. She had worked so hard to do so many things in order to stay by his side.

But how could he loathe her?

Miranda absolutely would not allow it. "Johan, you know everything I've done ever since I joined the Silas family. I didn't study well when I was a child but I worked hard in order to get into a good university so that I wouldn't bring shame to you and Mrs. Silas. That's all I have been doing these past years."

"Is that all you've done?" Johan smiled coldly, his smile riddled with disdain and hatred. "Miranda, do you want me to list them out for you? Do you think that I don't know what you said to Sierra?"

A few years ago, when Miranda and Sierra were at that cafe, Johan was right by them.

He did not come out to stop them because he thought that Sierra would have faith in his feelings for her and would be unaffected by Miranda's words. Unexpectedly, Sierra ended up giving in.

Had Sierra understood him at all, or had she had more faith in their relationship, she would not have made such a decision.

However, Sierra did not. She believed Miranda's words and thought that the person he really loved was Miranda.

She would rather believe an outsider who had nothing to do with her than ask him what his true feelings were.

That was the reason why he had treated Sierra with harshness and indifference all those years. He was mad that Sierra didn't understand how he felt about her, and that she had treated him like a commodity that could be bargained.

Nonetheless, no matter how angry he was, his feelings for her had never changed, not even a shred.

He was mad because Sierra had assumed that he didn't love her. He was mad because she could think of all sorts of ways to trap him, but she was never once willing to ask if he loved her.

A perfect example would be what had happened that very afternoon. Sierra had gotten into trouble with a group of thugs on her way to the airport and Johan knew that she didn't set that up. He deliberately provoked her, hoping that she would explain to him that things weren't like how he had made it out to be,

yet she admitted it in one fell swoop.

Her attitude in making the same mistakes over and over again made him boil with rage.

"Johan, did Sierra say something to you?" Miranda thought that Sierra must have tattled something bad about her in front of Johan. Otherwise, Johan would never have done that to her.

"Johan, don't listen to her one- sided story. You have to listen to my explanation as well." Anxious, Miranda reached out to Johan but before she could even touch his sleeve, she froze still from his devoid glance.

"She had never said anything to me." He was waiting for Sierra to tell him herself, but Sierra had never thought that she could rely on him and that he would be on her side.

Chapter 1992 1


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