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My Husband’s Hot Boss novel Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Preparing Asher’s favorite food made me go down memory lane. It was when we started dating I found out Asher’s best food is Macaroni and Cheese. I hated it but I couldn’t allow him know that. I didn’t want to make him angry so I would prepare it for him and eat with him.

Along the line, I started getting used to it until I eventually loved the food. But today, am preparing his favorite food for him with mixed feelings.

First of all, why is he in a happy mood?. I don’t trust him at all. I was feeling really sleepy which was really strange. I wasn’t the type of person that goes to bed early.

After vomiting, I felt really weak but had to drag myself down to the kitchen to prepare Asher’s food. I wouldn’t like to get in Asher’s bad book this night.

After some reason, the macaroni’s scent wants to make me wanna puke. I made sandwiches for myself and walked to the dining. I ate slowly thinking about what awaits me when Asher comes back.

After eating, I did the dishes and went to the living room to maybe watch a movie.

I changed the channels as everything they were showing all seems boring.

I glanced at the time. It was almost 8 pm. I decide to watch a Korea movie. Not like love watching it but I gotta do something to pass away time.


My eyes opened slowly as I felt a movement on my laps.

I jerked up in alert and saw Asher Smiling at me.


I rubbed my sleepy eyes and glanced around. I was still in the living room and the Tv is still on. I glanced at the time and my eyes widened on seeing it is 10 pm.

Wait, I started watching the movie at 8 pm. I looked back at Asher.

“You are just coming back?” I asked, his hands were still on my laps careering it and it made me feel weird.

“Yeah, was caught up doing something”

“Doing what?” I dared to ask.

He looked at me and his face turned expressionless “I don’t think you need to know that”

“Are you kidding me?” I said.

“You have a way of getting on my nerve, Camille...just Serve me my food”

“What food?” I furrowed my brows.

I could feel his muscles tighten. “Don’t tell me you forgot to make my food. I told you on the phone to......”

I cut him off. “Oh that, it's in the kitchen”

I could feel him relaxed. “I would shower first. You should have served it before I finish” he said in a commanding tone and left.

I groaned frowning as I watch his retreating figure until it was out of sight.

Why is he just coming back by this time of the night?

“Making out with sluts of course’ my sub conscious shot at him and I scoffed.

Not like I care anyways.

I groaned and stood up dragging myself to the kitchen to serve his food.


Later in the midnight.....

I felt a movement on my thigh and I whimper before opening my eyes.

Asher was staring at me hungrily. I was in my nightie and I am practically exposed.

“What is it?” I asked him.

“I want you” he answered huskily his hands fondling my breast.

“Asher, it is late” I whispered. It was 2 am in the morning.

Oh God, I need some sleep.

“Your point?” He frowned.


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