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My Lord, My Billionaire Master novel Chapter 9

"—No more."

"Miss Clyne, you were probably pregnant at that time." Daniel said as he guided her.

"No, I'm not pregnant."

Daniel looked at the flat screen, only to see that the numbers on it did not fluctuate at all, it was an honest answer, he could not help but be puzzled.

After pausing for a moment, he continued, "Impossible, after investigation, three years ago you stayed in your house and almost never went out. Anyone who saw you only saw you in loose clothes. If you weren't pregnant, why did you hide at home for a year?"

"That's because I'm drawing comics, and I like to be indoors when I write them. I like to wear loose clothes. Is it really that strange? "

Alice was speechless.

"On the night of the first day of the new year three years ago, where were you?"

"New Year's Day? I should be in my hometown. I go back to my hometown every year to celebrate the new year."

"No, you were with our young master that night." Daniel said, "You and Young Master were sleeping together, and it was you who took the initiative."

If Daniel's wrinkled face was not so serious, Alice would have thought that he was joking.

"No! Such a vile and violent man like him, I feel disgusted every time I see him. How could I take the initiative to get laid! " Alice glared at Daniel, her tone was filled with anger.

Get laid.

Hearing those two words now made her feel as sick as if she had swallowed a fly.

The scene in the sauna house replayed itself in front of her. Every inch of her was being plundered by that arrogant and vile man.

Chapter 9 1


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