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My Mafia Queen novel Chapter 9

The way he just fucked me makes it hard to stay pissed off at the man. There is nothing like a god damn big cock between your legs to make you forget everything.

He is not off the hook though, I want to know what this bitch Kathleen's fucking problem is.

Kayley ~”Come I need a drink.”

Jackson ~”Sure baby girl.”

Kayley ~”Steve give us two JDs.”

Stephen ~”Gotcha girl.”

Jackson ~”I fucking love it when you get so bossy. It is god damn hot.”

Kayley ~”Flirting is not getting your ass out of this one Jackson.”

Jackson ~”Baby girl please let me explain before you get cross again.”

Kayley ~”I want you to think very carefully how you going to answer the next question.”

Jackson ~”You can ask me anything.”

Kayley ~”Does that horny fucking ass of yours have any children?”

Jackson ~”No baby.”

Kayley ~”Thank god. I don't want some teenager calling me fucking auntie. Are you fucking her?”

Jackson ~”No baby.”

Kayley ~”Do you still share a bed?”

Jackson ~”Yes baby.”

Kayley ~”Please fucking repeat that?”

Jackson ~”Yes baby we still sleep in the same bed.”

Kayley ~”You are fucking kidding me. You fuck me then you go share a bed with another bitch.”

Jackson ~”Baby it is complicated.”

Kayley ~”Then fucking uncomplicated it for me. You share a bed with a women you don't care or love and then share my bed and fuck me.”

Jackson ~”Yes baby girl.”

Kayley ~”That is seriously fucked up. You are goddamn sick in your head.”

Jackson ~”Please don't get mad again baby girl.”

Kayley ~”Oh my fuck, do you sleep naked with her too?”

Jackson ~”Yes baby.”

Kayley ~”Get out my fucking face Jackson.”

Jackson ~”Baby please girl.”

I am so fucking furious again I don't even realise that I am shouting at him a little harder than I should.

Kayley ~”Fuck off Jackson. You are a fucking man whore.”

Jackson ~”Baby girl please.”

Kayley ~”For a big fucking mafia boss you are sure sounding like a goddamn wimp.”

Jackson ~”Baby girl I am not begging your ass any more, I will be in my office.”

Kayley ~”Yes run away you fucking coward.”

Anthony ~”Kay please come sit down.”

Kayley ~”I don't want to fucking sit down.”

Anthony ~”Then just come stand here.”

Drake ~”Please Kay. People are staring.”

Kayley ~”I don't give a fuck. I will give them something to stare about.”

Anthony ~”Let me take you home.”

Kayley ~”I don't want to go home.”

Matthew ~”Do you want a drink Kay?”

Kayley ~”Stop treating me like a fucking child. Go to your dickhead boss and fucking baby him.”

Anthony ~”He has left.”

Kayley ~”Probably to go fuck his wife.”

Drake ~”Kay he really does not fuck her.”

Kayley ~”How the fuck do you know?”

Drake ~”He told me.”

Kayley ~”And you believe every word that comes out his filthy mouth. Oh my fuck he probably licks her dirty pussy and then fucking comes and kisses me.”

Drake ~”He won't Kay.”

Kayley ~”I think I am going to get sick.”

I rush my way to the bathroom where I nearly fucking gag.

Then there is a stupid ass bitch thinking that she can tell me what to do.

Kathleen ~”You know you should really not make a scene over a man that is not yours.”

Kayley ~”Excuse me? Did you fucking speak to me?”

Kathleen ~”You going on about a man that everyone knows is married.”

Kayley ~”It is none of your fucking business what I do.”

Kathleen ~”I suggest that you leave him alone.”

Kayley ~”Listen here you fucking bimbo. Take your suggestions and shove it up your goddamn ugly ass.”

Before I can really think about what I am doing, I punch the fucking bitch in her face. I can hear a crack as my fist crashes against the bridge of her nose. I am almost sure that I broke it.

Tommy ~“Kay please let me take you home.”

Kayley ~”Where is the fucking asshole?”


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