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My Mommy Became A Billionaire After the Breakup novel Chapter 1527

Chapter 1527 Time to Make a Clean Break

[So handsome!]

[No wonder Athena's so smitten after all these years. I'd be even more obsessed!]

[That scumbag from the past can't compare now that he's changed, right? We should enjoy the fruits of the tree Athena planted!]

Comments scrolled swiftly.

The conference proceeded smoothly.

Byron answered the questions for over 10 minutes.

Then the conference ended.

Just as Byron was about to leave...

A reporter suddenly shouted loudly, "Mr. Crawford! Regardless of his actions, he's still your father. Refusing to see him defies morality!"

Athena's brows furrowed instinctively.

Just as she was about to step forward...

She heard a soft laugh.

She immediately halted and regained her composure.

Since Byron returned injured, she kept wanting to protect him.

She had almost forgotten what kind of person Byron originally was.

She stepped back.

Thinner and scarred as he was, he still dazzled in the crowd.

"Too many parents in this world give birth but don't raise, or raise but abuse, their children. Do they deserve to be treated with morality?" Byron asked evenly.

Silence fell over the room.


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