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My Pretty Sweetheart novel Chapter 1985


The first thing I realized when my eyes opened was that I was in a familiar room.

Why was I in Hendrix's bedroom?

The image of Hendrix falling unconscious flashed through my mind. I didn't even put on my jacket before I jumped out of bed and rushed out into the corridor.

When I flung the door open, I nearly collided with Evan.

"Miss Reid, you're awake," He said respectfully.

"Where's your boss? Why am I here?" I asked worriedly.

"Hendrix is in the guest room. We've treated the bruises on his head, he should wake up soon."

Just then, I heard some loud crashing noises coming from the other room. All the servants were soon running out from it.

"Come here." Evan stopped a servant and asked, "What happened?"

The servant looked mortified. "When Mr. Hendrix woke up, he said that he was hungry. But when he ate the food we served him, he said it didn't taste right, he then threw the food on the floor..."

Was he mad just from a single bite?

Did Hendrix return to his violent youth?

If he could throw stuff around, it meant that his body wasn't badly hurt.

"It's okay. You can leave now. I'll see to it myself."

I let out a sigh of relief and let the servants go. I then walked over to Hendrix's room.


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