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My Pretty Sweetheart novel Chapter 296

The corner of his lips twitching, Irvin frowned and said, "He's already in the morgue. I've left him to the care of the professionals in the hospital."

"No!" I cried, tightening my grip on his sleeves. I shook my head violently with tears rolling down my face. "Please don't treat him like this. He's my baby! Even if he... Even if he died, I should give him a proper burial as his mother."

Irvin's brows knitted together, his worries visibly in his dark eyes. "Alright. Then, you should take good care of yourself. I'll let you plan the funeral once you're feeling better, okay?"

I nodded, and I was still heartbroken. And I didn't know if I would ever stop feeling the ache.

Irvin took very good care of me. Since I had lost the baby in such a tragic way, and I was deep in grief, he even hired two ladies to look after me. He had successfully managed and arranged everything for me.

My fingers went to trace the long and protruding scar on my now flatten belly

without being aware of it. Since the baby suffocated to death in the womb, they had to perform a cesarean section to take him out, marking the scar on me.

Every time I touched it, I was reminded of the painful memories, and they were insufferable and inexpressible.

I spent the first two weeks in the hospital in a trance, only to realize that I was in a private hospital far away from Jarold City. It was one of Irvin's assets. When the doctors cleared me for discharge, Irvin brought me to a villa, also one of his assets.

I had been grieving for the child since that night, draining my strength to think about anything else. As a result, I only remembered that I had to let Monique and Ian know that I was safe.

I asked for a phone from one of the hired ladies to make the calls, but I realized that I couldn't even remember the phone numbers. So, I gave up on the idea.

Irvin would visit every day, spending a long time talking about tradings and finances with me. I understood some of his topics, and some I didn't.

I knew that he did it out of good intentions. He wanted to distract me from anything related to the child.


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