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My Professor Is My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 4

Lila’s POV

My mother took one look at my face and started laughing.

“Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” She asked.

“Enzo is Blaise’s son?” I asked; I was completely and utterly shocked. “I had no idea he had kids.”

My mother nodded.

“I don’t think Enzo was ever close to his father,” she explained. “I believe he lived with his mother in a different pack. When his father died, he went back to Calypso. Being Blaise’s only living relative and all.”

“If I had known he was Blaise’s son, I wouldn’t have invited him. I’m so sorry…”

“Sorry? Why are you sorry? I’m glad you invited him. Your father will be pleased. He rather likes Enzo. Said he has a good head on his shoulder. He’s nothing like his father, that’s for sure.”

“So, we trust him?” I asked, raising my brows.

“Lila bean, we can’t fault Enzo for something his father did. You should know that better than anyone.”

She gave me a small smile, staring around my concerned face. She placed a hand on my shoulder, causing me to meet her eyes.

“I promise, if there’s something you need to be concerned with, I will tell you,” she said gently. “But for right now, there isn’t. Enzo is not a villain. Those days are behind us.”

I felt better knowing she wasn’t worried. I trusted my mother more than anyone.

“So, when were you going to tell me about Scott?” My mother asked as we made our way out of the apartment. I paused and turned to her.

“How did you know about that?” I asked.

One of her eyebrows went straight up as she looked me over.

“I’m your mother; you can’t hide things from me,” she replies.

I wanted to laugh; she always knew when something was going on.

“Does dad know?” I asked.

“Do you not want him to know?”

“I just don’t want to make the Alpha committee weird is all,” I tell her. “Because Scott’s dad is a member…”

“Your father is extremely professional. He would let something like that intervene with his work,” she said in return. “But I won’t say anything if you don’t want me to. I’m assuming we won’t be expecting Scott tonight then.”

It wasn’t a question.

I turned away and walked down the stairs to greet the guests that have arrived. The first person I saw wasn’t surprising. Brianna. My best friend. She ran to me, wrapping her arms around me, and nearly knocked me off my feet.

I laughed at her excitement.

“Oh my goddess, Lila!” She cooed happily, twirling me around. “You look stunning! How do you feel? Do you feel 18?”

I sighed, shaking my head.

“I feel the same as I always had,” I tell her. “I was hoping I was going to get my wolf today…”

“You still might,” she assured me, giving me a broad smile. “The day is still young. Regardless, you are going to get your wolf and it’s going to be glorious when you do!”

Brianna had gotten her wolf a couple of months ago and she hasn’t stopped talking about it. She describes it as having a real genuine best friend who knows you from the inside and out. Then, she paused when she saw my face and added, “no offense. It’s just different… you know.”

I assured her that I didn’t take offense to that, and I knew what she meant.

My mother told me about a time she thought she lost her wolf for good. It was like losing a part of herself. Her mind was so quiet, and she felt so lonely. “Your father made me feel less lonely,” she added.

That was exactly the kind of love I wanted; I wanted someone to make me feel less lonely even if I didn’t have a wolf. But I also really wanted to meet my wolf. I wondered what she would look like. What she would sound like. I wondered what her name would be.

Soon, the packhouse was filled with those I love; my mother brought out a huge cake. It was red velvet with chocolate frosting; my absolute favorite flavor. When everyone sang happy birthday, I grew teary-eyed.

For a moment, I forgot all about Scott’s betrayal. I forgot all about my wasted first kiss.

Chapter 4 1

Chapter 4 2

Chapter 4 3


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