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My Quick-witted Baby novel Chapter 197

Chapter 197

"Got it!"

"Aren't those enough? What else do you want to me to do? Want me to use the handsome man trick to seduce Stephany Snyder?"

The handsome man trick?

Arabella Snyder felt that...he really meant it!

"Mr. Lucero, I need your cooperation. Just help me this time. Who made Stephany Snyder like you?" Arabella Snyder stretched out her little hand and wrapped her arms around his sturdy waist, rubbing in his arms, acting like a coquettish little cat.

Kenneth Lucero rolled his Adam's apple up and down, and his whole body was on fire when she rubbed against him. He pushed her away mercilessly with his big hands. He pursed his lips and said, "I would help you, but before that I have a request."

"What kind of request?"

Kenneth Lucero stared at her with dark eyes, "Mrs. Lucero, I don't like your name being associated with anyone, not even Bryson Hooper. Let's make it public. Our relationship should be brought out into open !"

Arabella Snyder was taken aback. Why did he... ask for this again?

In the beginning, he and she just made a peace agreement, which was naturally a hidden marriage. Now that the two were in harmony, it was time to make it public...

Arabella Snyder's snow-white little earlobe turned red, and she nodded vigorously, "Yeah!"

Kenneth Lucero raised his thin lips and was going to kiss her red lips.

But Arabella Snyder pushed him away and ran away quickly.


Arabella Snyder walked out of the gate of Floweret Garden. The cool breeze at night cooled the heat on her face, but she still felt sweet. Now she was ready to return to the academy.

At this time, a few ladies, who were with Stephany Snyder in the One Night Bar in Hardgrad that day, came over. They met each other now.

---Wasn't this Arabella Snyder, the Internet celebrity?

---Arabella Snyder, how are you? Don't you have to serve that old man this evening?


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