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My Quick-witted Baby novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Jared Gallagher felt that Kenneth had also been mysterious lately. He was obviously worried that Arabella would be picked on, so he showed up at the engagement party. But after seeing that Arabella got out safe and sound, he went back to the company by himself.


Arabella first went to the hospital to see Janelle Stein, who was still unconscious. Then she returned to Floweret Garden and went to bed.

Although she won the battle today, she was not happy at all. That was because she lost many people she loved.

Arabella felt a little heartbroken. She wanted to send Aurora Barrett voice messages, but she was afraid that she would disturb her if she were on the filming set. Therefore, she just lay face-down on the bed and closed her eyes.

However, she was tossing and turning.

At this moment, suddenly she was kind of missing Kenneth's warm cuddle. If he were here, he would definitely hold her in his arms. She would rest her head on his strong shoulder while listening to his heartbeat. She would feel so secure, like the boat in the harbor.

He could actually shelter any woman in the world.

Wait, what was she thinking about?

Arabella immediately dismissed Kenneth from her mind. He was nothing but a heartbreaker and right now, in the middle of the night, he was probably discussing work with Ms. Heath in the company.

Why did she start to miss his hugs all of a sudden?

Arabella forced herself to sleep.


When she walked out of the bedroom the next morning, Arabella saw that Bryson Hooper, the butler, was ordering servants to do the house cleaning.


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