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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 104

"Who is it?" The fat man asked impatiently. He narrowed his eyes and fixed them on Amity, looking as obscene as a wretched man.

Amity felt uncomfortable, and she stepped back unconsciously.

"Girl, you go out first. I'll talk to this fat man." Henry turned around and said to Amity.

"Alright." Amity nodded and then opened the door to go out.

The fat man looked at Henry unhappily. "Boy, we don't recruit people, but if that girl wants to come, I can think about it."

"Don't talk nonsense. Contact Homer and ask him to bring his team to Yinzhou in three days to talk about a project with Lins Group." Henry casually threw out a black card with a grimacing mask printed on it. Just looking at it would make people feel cold.

The man's fat body trembled subconsciously as soon as he saw the card, and the displeasure on his face suddenly turned into respect. "Sir, you are ..."

"You don't have to know that. Recently, Yinzhou is monitoring all the sensitive information. I don't want to be exposed. I won't contact Homer directly. Three days later, I will come here to find him." After Henry finished his words, he turned around and went out without looking at the fat man again.

The fat man bent down and bowed. It was not until Henry completely left that he dared to straighten his body. He picked up the card with both hands, and his arms were trembling.

In the whole world, almost every city would have an office like this, and there was only one person in charge of the office. Their task was to receive guests. As long as someone came to find them with this card, they needed to meet all the requirements of the other party with the highest etiquette, including assassination, firearms fighting ...

Amity was waiting for Henry outside the government. In less than a minute after her coming out, Henry also came out.

"Let's go. We've reached an agreement. The partner has been found." Henry patted the head of Amity and took her to the elevator.

"Have you reached an agreement?" Amity was full of doubts. And she thought in her heart, "You came to such a place and found a partner? A French multinational group?"

As soon as Henry and Amity entered the elevator, a figure came up from the stairs. It was a bearded man. He walked to the door of the office where Henry had just gone and looked inside.

"What are you looking at? What do you want?" The fat man in the office pushed open the glass door and glared at the bearded man.

The mustache man smiled, "I just want to ask, do you recruit people?"

"No, fu*k off!" The fat man waved his hand in a bad mood.

The man with the mustache smiled awkwardly, nodded, turned around, and left. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. "Manager Luo, get it. That guy must have found a false company and wanted to make a fool of us."

Henry and Amity went out of the business building.

Henry was just about to tell Amity to go home and rest for two days when he was interrupted by a voice.

"Isn't that Amity? What's wrong? Are you running around doing business? Ah, it's so hard to do it in this hot weather. What a pity!"

Henry looked towards the direction of the voice. The speaker was a young and beautiful woman. This woman was a little taller than Amity, nearly 1.7 meters. She had a hot figure with long hair.

"Your friend?" Henry asked Amity.


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