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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1040

With a loud shrill of the steam whistle, the cruise ship gradually departed from the island.

Those who stayed on the island for eternity would gradually turn into nutrients for its plants. It was very likely that the wild mushrooms consumed by the next batch of people who came to participate in the trial next year would be the product of the flesh and blood of these people.

The outline of the trial island blurred as the cruise ship sailed further away. Those who slept by the windows all watched as the trial island gradually disappeared in a thick fog.

The night gradually fell. Some had eaten and drank to their heart's content, and were well rested. They lay leisurely beside the swimming pool on the deck, enjoying a glass of rum.

Henry had already taken off his mask. Placed in front of him were the grading reports of all the participants.

"Looks like the Alvin League wants to take the opportunity to find an opening in Radiant Island." Henry looked at the photos of Sloane and Alvin walking together, and then threw the photos into the fire beside him. Many photos were already burning in it.

"Alvin, don't let me down." Henry murmured and continued to look at the next photo. The person in the photo made Henry smile unconsciously. "Helen... Your performance on the island this time did surprise me. I have to say that you grow really quickly. Your abilities now allow you to act independently, leaving the Sharp Knife wouldn't be a problem for you. However, your weakness still lies within your strength, you'll have to improve on that as quickly as possible."

Henry threw Helen's photo into the fire. After a while, Henry found himself looking at Flynn's trial reports again.

"For you, this trial is the simplest, but also the hardest. The trial really meant for you shall begin tonight...."

Night had fallen, some people were still drinking, some were already sleeping soundly.

Flynn was lying in a comfortable king-sized bed, breathing calmly. In the past three months on the island, he had always been protecting the woman who followed behind him. He never had a good night's sleep.

Just right when Flynn fell asleep, the woman next to him sat up gradually.

The woman looked at the clothes that had been thrown under the bed, in it contained the embroidered pouch she had received today.

The task in the embroidered purse was very simple. She only needed to prove it in the most direct way. If there was no one to help her, she would still be able to pass the trial.

The most direct method?

For her, the most direct way was to kill the person who had helped her pass the trial test. It was just exactly what she had thought when she first saw him.

The woman slowly pulled aside the quilt over her body and climbed out of bed. She gently opened a slit in the window, and two tiny green snakes slithered in through it.

The woman whistled gently, and the two green snakes crawled into the bed, flicking their scarlet tongues. When they slithered onto the bed, they bared their sharp fangs and bit at Flynn's neck.

Just when the fangs of the snakes were about to bite Flynn in the neck, an invisible gas shattered both snakes. The sudden change of events startled the woman.

Flynn, who had been sleeping soundly, opened his eyes and asked, "Why?"

"You..." The woman's face turned pale as she stared at Flynn, who was slowly getting out of bed.

"You want to kill me, just for that trial certificate?" Flynn asked, his expression remained calm.

The woman shook her head and opened her mouth to explain.

"I only want to hear the truth. Tell me, did you intend to kill me just for that trial certificate?"

"Yes!" The woman finally admitted it through gritted teeth.

"Why?" Flynn asked again.

The woman simply shouted, "Because if I don't get this trial certificate, I will die. I need it to live. Is this reason good enough for you? I was born in a place where people devour one another. Over there, I have to complete the corresponding tasks in order to survive. My parents are currently in their hands. I must bring the trial certificate back, regardless of how I do that!"


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