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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 108

"Henry, here!" As soon as he entered the door, Henry heard Sylvia's voice.

"President Lin, what's wrong?" Henry asked curiously.

Her face was full of excitement. "It's a competition! People from France challenge Milan and Nico. They are competing in cooking now!"

"Cooking competition?" Henry asked with doubts all over his face. "President Lin, didn't you just say that it was an opportunity for me? Did you mean to see them cook?"

"Of course not," Sylvia waved her hand. "Whether you believe it or not, the person who came this time is from the French royal family! You can try to find a chance to cooperate with these people."

Upon hearing the word "the royalty", Henry immediately understood what had happened.

Milan and Nico were cooking for the royal family in France. Their master was studying recently, and they two also had a long vacation. At this time, someone wanted to replace them, including their master.

Sylvia explained the cause of the matter to Henry, which was almost the same as his guess. This time, the Seventh Prince of the French royal family specially came to China to be the referee for this competition.

A member of the royal family specially came to be the referee?

As for this, Henry did not doubt it at all. He had personally experienced how bored some members of the royal family could be. Not to mention that he came to be a referee, it was even possible for him to watch the whole round of ants moving their houses.

France was a country that attached great importance to food. It was no exaggeration to say that food accounted for one-third in the hearts of the French, and it was an indispensable part of their life.

Henry looked at Sylvia's excited face and was a little speechless. "President Lin, why do I think you are very excited that Milan got challenged?"

Hearing Henry's words, Sylvia also realized that. She blushed slightly and asked, "Really?"

"Yes," Henry nodded and said seriously. "Aren't you afraid that Milan will lose?"

"No way!" Sylvia's eyes widened. "Milan and Nico's teacher is the chef of the French royal family."

"I don't think so." Henry shook his head. "Since they can follow us from France to China, they must have made sufficient preparations, including fresh ingredients. You have to know that ingredients are very important for cooking.

Sylvia's excited look disappeared completely after his words. She didn't think about it just now.

The chefs and staff of the Di saint French restaurant were all standing by the side with excitement. When they learned that the visitor was a prince and a chef of the royal family, the excitement in their hearts was obvious.

Henry glanced around and finally focus on a handsome French man. The man was wearing an LV-shirt with yellow curly hair. His sky-blue eyes were like the ocean.

Henry had lived in the French royal family for a period, but he had never seen the Seventh Prince. Similarly, the Seventh Prince had never seen Henry. Otherwise, he would not have been able to sit still and would salute Henry as soon as possible.

"Henry, don't keep staring at him. Although Prince Charlie Bennett won't mind these things, it's still impolite." Seeing Henry looking at the Seventh Prince all the time, Sylvia couldn't help reminding him.


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