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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1087

At five o'clock in the afternoon in Yinzhou.

Henry walked out of the company with a gloomy face. He was told by Milan what a caring man was all day long. But Henry's performance in the morning made the two girls feel cheesy.

For Henry, he did not learn how to treat a woman well. He just had the skills that ordinary people did not have, so he gave people a sense of security. But that was all. He saw the sweet look of the couple this morning, which made Henry look at himself again and again.

Unfortunately, the first day of being a caring man ended in failure.

After leaving the Lins Group, Henry made a phone call.

"How is Daisy today? Is the plan going well?"

"We have arranged for people to negotiate with Ms. Daisy about the cooperation regarding the clothing factory. As for that man Deegan, he took the bait easily. He is not in the right mind."

"Then do it as soon as possible. One day has passed, and you still have two days left."

An affirmative voice came from the other end of the line. "Don't worry, my lord. The result will be out tomorrow."

Henry nodded and hung up the phone.

In a luxurious villa.

Deegan felt dry in his mouth and felt dizzy. He tried hard to open his eyes and found himself lying on a big bed. It was a big room with luxurious decoration, full of European furniture.

Deegan rubbed his eyes and got up from the bed. He thought about what had happened before. After he came out of the club, he came to the place where the two girls lived and drank a few glasses of wine. Then he fell asleep.

Not sure if his memory was clear, Deegan got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He washed his face and gargled his mouth before feeling better.

When he smelled himself, he could only smell cigarettes and alcohol.

Deegan twisted the nob and opened the door. At the moment when the door was opened, Deegan heard a series of giggles.

"Haha, President Chow, your card is not bad."

Deegan looked along with the sound. There was a guardrail in front of him, which proved that he was on the second floor. There were three men and five women sitting in the lobby on the first floor, playing poker. On the table, there was a lot of cash. Deegan's eyes straightened as he looked at the limo keys on the table.

The two beautiful women with hot figures were also down below, but the two of them looked very embarrassed as if they had lost a lot of money.

Just then, one of the beauties turned to look at the second floor. She happened to see someone standing by the railings on the second floor looking at them.

The moment this beautiful woman saw Deegan, she looked surprised and said, "Ah, Deegan woke up. Everyone, please stop. I'll introduce a big shot to you."

The beautiful woman said as she ran to the second floor. Then she intimately held Deegan's arm and introduced him, "This is Boss Liang of Lins Group, the relative of Sylvia Lin, the President of the Lins Group"

As soon as the beauty said this, the three men and three women sitting on the first floor, whom Deegan had never seen before, all looked shocked.

"Oh, ah." A young man with a Ferrari key in front of him said with a face full of blame, "It turned out to be a big shot of the Lins Group. Why haven't you introduced him earlier? Hello, Boss Liang. My surname is Chow. You can just call me Chow."


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