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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1097

Everyone was surprised by the interruption. They all wondered who could interrupt Clorissa so rudely and recklessly.

People looked toward the person who just spoke and saw a Yan Xia man sitting in the corner. He wore a black trench coat, which broke the dress code of the party.

Clorissa looked angry. Because she was under the attention of the public, Clorissa didn't let it show on her face. She replied gracefully, "Please ask, sir."

Seeing everyone looked toward the corner, Debbra took a couple of steps away from Henry.

Yesmina came over and secretly pulled Debbra's pinkie finger. "Debbra, is your friend crazy?"

Yesmina then pointed at her head, "Interrupting Clorissa under such a situation. He is looking for trouble!"

Debbra quickly shushed Yesmina. She was scared Yesmina's words would irritate Henry. Debbra knew how cold and brutal Henry was.

When all eyes were focused on Henry, while still sitting in the chair, he raised the wine glass in his hand and asked, "Ms. Clorissa, I would like to ask you, have you heard of a name, Ailsa Xiashou?"

The name Ailsa Xiahou made everyone panicked.

They all knew about the taboo. No one was allowed to mention the name!

But at this moment, there was a Yan Xia man who asked Clorissa the name in front of everyone. He was deliberately challenging the power of the Middleton family.

Clorissa frowned. Before she could answer, a middle-aged man walked out.

He was very strong. His muscle was still visible under the formal evening wear.

The middle-aged man looked at Henry and then Rossiter, who was not far away from Henry. "People from the Zhong Family, come and give me an explanation. When did all the Yan Xia businessmen become so reckless?"

The Zhong Family was the representative of Yan Xia businesses in Yizhou Country, and Rossiter was the representative of the Zhong Family.

The Middleton family was trying to force Henry to back out by threatening all the Yan Xia businessmen in Yizhou Country. They also tried to send out the information. No one could create trouble for the Middleton family.

Rossiter's face turned pale. He felt as if he was punished for his subordinate's mistake.

He smiled at the middle-aged man ingratiatingly. He then turned to scold Henry, "Shut up! This is not the place for you to talk!"

Debbra stood on the side, looking anxious. She wanted to stop Rossiter, but under the eyes of the Middleton family, she didn't dare to do anything. She also knew Rossiter would be in huge trouble if he irritated Henry. Henry had killed one of the Middleton family. If he wasn't a psychopath, Henry should be a very powerful person!

But how could Henry be a psychopath? He kept asking things about Ailsa Xiahou. It was obvious he was here to revenge her.

Henry swirled his wine glass. After a sigh, he said, "What's wrong with people nowadays. I just asked you a question, and you should answer it. Why do you have to talk about a bunch of nonsense? I guess you definitely have a lot of free time."

The middle- aged man walked towards Henry fiercely, "Kid, this is the Middleton family's place. It's not the place for you to play your little charade. You sound crazier than Asylum people."

After glancing at the middle- aged man, Henry turned to look at Clorissa again, "Ms. Middleton, please answer my question. Have you heard Ailsa Xiahou?"


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