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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 110

In the kitchen, Henry gave orders one after another. At first, Nico and Milan were suspecting what he was going to do, but now they were subconsciously following his orders.

As chefs, Milan and Nico had a very deep understanding of food. They could understand the mystery of Henry's words just by thinking a little. They couldn't help but give Henry a thumbs-up.

Sylvia stood aside, opened her mouth wide and looked at Henry in surprise. She had never known that Henry could cook, and she didn't know that his cooking skills were so good. She didn't expect Milan and Nico had to do what he asked like students.

As a foodie, Sylvia felt worse than losing one million. She didn't ask such a chef to cook for her!

Henry, of course, did not know what Sylvia was thinking now.

“Milan, what is the seventh dish?”

"No, only six dishes." Milan picked up a white wet towel and wiped the sweat off her forehead. She had never felt that cooking was such a tiring job. Today, she felt as if she had returned to the stage when she had just started learning from the teacher and had been so flustered that she had to endure that kind of pressure.

"No! The pressure Henry imposed on her is greater than what her teacher gave back then!"

Milan had cooperated with her teacher to cook more than once. In the beginning, she had been an apprentice, but later, she began to develop new dishes with her teacher to analyze the taste of the food.

But today, she found that she had become the ignorant apprentice again. Under Henry's successive orders, she couldn't even say a word because she didn't know what kind of advice she should make.

It was indeed tiring, but the result was delightful enough for Milan and Nico.

They looked at the six delicacies on the table. Before cooking, none of them had thought that these ordinary ingredients, after special methods and the balance of various ingredients, could be so delicious. The taste was better than that of cooking with the best ingredients in the royal family!

"Henry, how did you do it?" Milan still could not believe what she had seen.

"Brainstorming," Henry reached out and pointed to his head. "The delicious food has never been made in a fixed way. In a chef's mind, you must clearly know what the taste of each seasoning is and what kind of miracle it will be when the multiple seasonings are mixed. You have to be brave to create a new one. Well, it's time to serve the dishes."

Henry gave Milan and Nico a smile, turned around, and went out of the kitchen.

"Milan, he ..." Sylvia pointed to the door and looked at the six dishes on the table.

"Girl, Henry is really amazing! After today's incident, you'd better interrogate him carefully. His understanding of cooking is far above mine!"

In the dining room, they could hear the kitchen stove become quiet, and delicious foods were about to be served on the table one by one. Prince Charlie's face showed a glimmer of expectation, while the original chefs and waiters of the Di Saint French Restaurant had long been looking forward to seeing the top French chef's cooking skills!

Teff, the opponent of Milan, was a middle-aged man in his thirties. Unlike most French, he didn't have whiskers, but with fair-complexioned cheeks. He was very gentle.


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