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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1120

Henry's arrogant attitude made the people from the organizations that less powerful than Section Nine stand in line, well-behaved.

While Henry was checking these people in, he specifically observed their behaviors. Comparing with the ones that wanted the best of everything, there was another small group of people. They stood on the side quietly, not fighting for anything. They were the opposite side of those arrogant and rude guests.

Some of those people came here for the ride. They would satisfy with whatever they could get out of this. So they didn't really care about showing off their power and prestige.

Some of them were really powerful people. They didn't want to waste their energy on showing off.

Henry helped the Su Clan with government authorization and reserved the best room of the hotel. When the people from the Su Clan arrived, they looked nervous when walking into the best room of the hotel under so many pairs of eyes.

Su Clan sent out two female representatives to Yinzhou. They were both very close to Qi-controlling Realm. Although their achievement put them on the top among people from the underground world, they were rather powerless among the visitors in the hotel.

Su Clan knew their real capacity, so they weren't too ambitious about this trip. The only reason that they even came that day was that they knew Sylvia and Henry got their backs.

The two representatives from Su Clan were elegant and classy women. They looked sensible and delicate.

They stood in front of the front desk, looking nervous under the gaze of pairs of fierce eyes.

"Mr. Zhang, we don't need to stay in such a fancy room. Any room will do."

"No, I won't allow it," Henry shook his head and said loudly, "My wife has ordered me to take care of you two. I don't have too much power, but I do have the power to give you the best accommodation. You are friends of my wife's, and I will do everything I can to make sure you enjoy your staying here. There is the card key of the presidential suite. Enjoy!"

Henry forced a golden card key into their hands.

They looked at the card key and then at each other. Then they walked away quickly and didn't dare to look at other people.

Knowing that the only presidential suite was reserved for two powerless women, many people looked at Henry with dissatisfaction.

Henry held his head high. He said without scruple, "What's wrong? Are you angry? Come and get me! Section Nine doesn't afraid of you!"

Henry was using Section Nine as a shield.

So thanks to Henry's contribution, whatever the exploration of the underground palace would turn out to be, Section Nine had offended many of the people here.

The bald man who threatened the receptionist earlier stared at Henry and gnashed his teeth. "I swear that you are the most arrogant receptionist I've ever seen!"

"Are you done talking? It's your turn. Come quickly, or you can get out!" Henry shouted at the bald man.

He quickly nodded. "Sure, coming."

Someone was secretly spreading the word of the change that happened in the Yinzhou underground palace. It caused all types of people from everywhere to come to Yinzhou.

Henry arrived at the hotel around dust, and he worked until three o'clock in the morning just to finish the registration of the first wave of the guests. Guests were still coming in, but the situation was much easier to manage.

He would use Section Nine on every guest to test their reaction.

In the following days, people of Radiat Island would be watching them for intelligence. That was how Radiant Island strengthened its influence.

It was seven o'clock in the morning, and Henry was still busy working. When the daylight broke, Silver Visitor walked in with a dozen people.


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