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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1144

Gardiner threw the surfboard aside and said, "I received news that what you had done in the Recluse Association was forcefully covered up by someone, wasn't it?"

Henry shrugged his shoulders and didn't say anything.

"This time, you want the Section Nine to admit defeat? We admit defeat. You want me to help you build up your influence? I also want to help you build up your influence. I'm afraid that it won't be long before there will be rumours in the outside world that you already possess the strength of the Divine Realm." Gardiner laughed. "This time, can I offer to do you a favour?"

Henry snorted and said, "You don't have to do me this favor."

"I know." Gardiner lit another cigarette for himself. "According to your status, if you really start a war, Immortal Lu's followers will definitely start a war against me without hesitation. But if they start a war against me, does it have no effect on you at all? Not to mention your lover is a person from Yan Xia. Your behaviour this time has exposed your identity. Many people have their eyes on you. If you start a fight with us, I'm afraid there will be a lot of pressure from the outside world. There are many rumours about Immortal Lu's tomb."

Henry did not refute. He knew that Gardiner was right. This time he let the underground forces spread the news. Although he could take advantage of the Section Nine to promote his power, he was also exposed. There were a lot of people who coveted the tomb of Master Lu.

But this time, Henry's purpose was to expose himself!

Henry remembered what Verrall told him. Some things had to be faced sooner or later, so it was better to face them in advance.

"If I'm exposed, then let it be. I'll do whatever I can. I'm just risking my life." Henry was ready to risk his life.

The reason why he left Yinzhou this time was to become stronger. Since Henry couldn't find the cultivation method that belonged to him, he could only use the most ancient method.

In a life- and- death situation, he would break through!

"Henry, we can cooperate." Gardiner slowly spat out a smoke ring. "If you still want to build up momentum, I can help you with the Section Nine. What's more, when the situation is chaotic, I can stand on your side without reservation. Do you

understand what I mean?"

Looking at the smoke ring that Gardiner spat out, Henry said in a low voice, "What do you want?"

"The ancestral weapon of our Section Nine." Gardiner took a deep breath and said, "I know. But for what you know now, you don't know where the ancestral weapon of our Section Nine is. You don't even know anything about the ancestral weapons. But what I want is that you can return it to me when you come across it."

Henry smiled. "You are so sure that the ancestral weapon of your Section Nine will fall into my hands."

Gardiner showed a reminiscing look in his eyes. "In those days, Immortal Lu separated the Qi and soldiers of the major clans by force and made the two factions: ancient kungfu family and Qi-refining world. The ancient kungfu family and Qi are two totally different existences. They are equally powerful and there is no difference between the strong and the weak. However, due to some malnutrition, the ancient kungfu families gradually decline, while the clans are gradually becoming stronger. In such a downturn, the birth of the clans has been a foregone conclusion. However, due to some kind of agreement, they can't show up now. When they show up, the first thing they will do is search for the ancestral weapons. And the location of the ancestral weapons in the world is only known to Immortal Lu!"

Henry shook his head. "Then you're thinking too much. Master Lu didn't tell me these things."

"I didn't think too much." Gardiner said firmly, "Immortal Lu wouldn't choose a person as his disciple randomly. Although I don't know why he didn't teach you Qi-refming, I'm sure that you may have some secrets that you don't know. I'm confident about that. Henry, although you are young, what you have done is very ambitious. Now, you just need to tell me your decision."

Henry suddenly smiled and said, "Give you a promise that I don't know if I can fulfil. I think everyone will accept this deal."


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