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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1155

In the darkness, the sound of the crack was exceptionally loud in the silence of the VIP lounge.

The security guard at the entrance of the VIP lounge jumped up from his slumber instantly.

"What was that!"

Heavy footsteps could be heard rushing over immediately.

Henry swiftly shut the door.

The cheetah and chameleon man stared at the door that slammed shut at their faces, still unable to react to it.

After nearly two seconds, the cheetah suddenly realised what was going on reached out to drag the chameleon with him. "Let's go!"

The two of them ran quickly towards the depths of the VIP lounge.

When the group of security guards hurried over and saw the glass of the painting broken, they were all shocked. As security guards of the VIP lounge, they naturally knew how expensive the items in there were. Even before they had been appointed their positions, they had already been educated about it in their training.

It was a famous painting worth millions of yuan. They could not even afford to pay for it even one of its broken corners.

"What happened?" the security captain was extremely nervous as he looked at the broken glass.

"Captain, it would seem that a thief has infiltrated the area. Look, there are footprints on the ground!" A security guard pointed at the expensive carpeting under his feet. The indents in the carpet caused by the footsteps were still fresh and had not returned to its original state.

"A thief! Hurry, go inform the others who are sleeping, wake them up and have them work overtime tonight. Search the whole area, make sure nothing is lost!" The security captain shouted, "Stay alert tonight! If anything goes wrong, everyone would be in trouble!"

When Henry, who was at the door in his room, heard that, he breathed a sigh of relief. Although he had completely exposed himself to the cheetah and chameleon man, the both of them were unable to do anything for the time being. As long as Henry remained in his room, he would be safe.

The footsteps outside the door never stopped that night, and neither the cheetah nor chameleon man appeared again.

When dawn had risen, someone knocked on the door of Henry's room.

As soon as Henry opened the door, he came to face with the angry glare of the beautiful Sister Hui.

"Tell me, what did you do last night?!" Sister Hui questioned him.

"I've been in the room the whole time."

"In the room?" Sister Hui scanned Henry with doubtful eyes. "I warning you to tell the truth. I'll give you one last chance. Tell me where you've been yesterday!"

"No matter how many chances you give me, my answer will always be: I was in the room." Henry was starting to get a little impatient with the woman. "Is there anything else you'd like to know? If you're done here, I'd like to go back to rest."

Upon hearing that, Sister Hui lost it immediately. "Do you know where you stand? You eat and live off us, yet now you dare to show impatience?"

Henry smiled and replied, "First of all, Mr. Dong promised to let me stay here. Secondly, I'm not just living off you people, I resolved the issues of the kitchen yesterday, and even taught the chefs some cooking techniques. With all that I've done, I absolutely deserve to stay in this room for one night. Do you understand now?"

After saying that, Henry slammed the door shut.


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