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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 120

In the lecture, although there were countless elders in the medical field, no one dared to disagree. Master Yan was sitting there listening carefully, and didn't dare to speak.

Henry talked about many new ideas, which made some doctors confused, while some were excited, as if they had discovered a new continent.

Soon, the lecture came to the part that everyone was looking forward to the most.

This was a demonstration of a shaking needle! Penetrating into the wooden table with the shaking needles!

When the doctors heard the news at that time, their first reaction was that they didn't believe it. The lesson this time was also a process for them to seek confirmation.

A camera was accurately locked in Henry's right hand, and the action of his hand was shown on the big screen.

Everyone was watching carefully and concentrated as if they were afraid of missing something.

On the right side of Henry, there was a solid wooden table with a cotton bag on it. All kinds of silver needles were inserted in the cotton bag.

"Gentlemen, the technique of the shaking needles lies in the cooperation between the fingers and the wrists. I will slowly explain this kind of thing to you later."

Henry said through the microphone. As soon as his voice fell, his right hand, under the capture of the camera, quickly took out a steel needle. With a flick of his wrist, half of the steel needle went into the table.

"Inserting needle under the influence of the wrist!" An old doctor with gray hair exclaimed, and his eyes stared at the screen. "It turned out to be the way of twisting the wrist. The long-lost method of putting the needle has appeared again."

"Mr. Guo, is there any explanation for this?" A doctor asked curiously.

"Of course." The old doctor nodded. "The difficulty of shaking the wrist and planting the needle is no less than shaking the needle. But many people won't notice this. By shaking the wrist, the most strength can stimulate the silver needle to stimulate the acupuncture points as fast as possible. Under certain circumstances, just the technique of shaking the wrist and planting the needle can save your life."

On the screen, Henry's hand was as fast as a phantom, and he couldn't even be caught the camera clearly. The silver needles in the cotton bag were reduced one by one, and more and more silver needles were stuck on the table. At this moment, the solid wooden table was like tofu, which could not stop the silver needles from piercing in at all.

A total of thirteen needles were all stuck on the table. If looked carefully, the arrangement of these needles seemed to have some kind of connection, but it was also difficult to imagine what that connection was.

A doctor held his breath and looked at the silver needles stuck on the table. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as if he had thought of something. He couldn't help trembling and shouted, "Acupuncture points! He simulated the human pressure points on the table. This is... incredible! He's so familiar with the human pressure points that he can imitate them on the table!"

The doctors who were still confused about the connection of these silver needles just now suddenly realized what had happened after hearing what he said.

"Those are acupuncture points!"

"Left a little space for the heart, and the rest of the needles were all on the acupuncture points."

"That's not all!" Another senior physician stood up and looked excitedly at the stage. "Young master, tell me, did you do it with the Thirteen Deadly Needles?"

"Thirteen Deadly Needles!"

"It's known to be the needle technique that can kill the Yama!"



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