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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 1220

Many proposals were waiting in Henry's mailbox. Every single one of them contained more than a dozen items regarding profit distribution, and every single word in the proposals was very important. All in all, reading all the proposals in a short period of time was a daunting challenge.

"Waiter, why is this room so cold? Can you turn up the AC to the highest temperature?" The man in his thirties said.

A waiter took the order and worked on the AC.

After the renovation, the Angel Hotel had equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. In a second, the room started to warm up.

All the waitresses were sweating. It was the summer. With the heating was on, the conference room was like a steaming pot.

Everyone in the room was pouring sweat, but no one made a sound. They were enduring it.

The person sitting next to Henry lit a cigarette and spat the smoke toward Henry.

They were trying to wear out Henry's patience.

To study a bunch of very important documents in a sweating hot room filled with secondhand smoke was a rather torturing task to complete.

Every second spent in this room was a torment.

Those businesswomen and men were enduring such torture but smiling secretly. They were waiting for Henry to make a mistake. In their mind, there were only two possibilities.

One, Henry would leave the room without finishing the documents and tell everyone the cooperation was off.

Another, Henry would skim through the documents and signed all of them in a rush.

They didn't believe anyone could study anything carefully in this state.

If Henry called the cooperation off, they would slander the name of the Lins Group as being arrogant, creating an opportunity to attack the Lins Group and causing its stock to plumb. With the sudden success of the Lins Group, so many people wanted to see it fell.

And if Henry signed the agreements, he would send the Lins Group to doom. There was so much ambiguous wording in the documents, and the other companies could easily take advantage of the Lins Group.

They counted down the time for Henry, believing that he would give up in any second.

Everyone was sweating profusely. Just when they thought Henry was going to give up, suddenly, a snoring sound was heard.

"Pshht! Pshht! Pshht!"

The sound was very conspicuous against a silent room. One thing could tell from the sound, this person was having a wonderful sleep.


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