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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 123

Wade also felt that this plot was somewhat dramatic. He smiled at Henry embarrassedly and said, "Brother-in-law, it's like this. Originally, there were people inside Green Leaf who refused to obey Big Miss. As a result, Green Leaf did several more things. My elder brother Leopard Kurata, the original second master of Green Leaf, was seriously injured in several fights. Now his hands are completely destroyed. The person who coveted my elder brother's position jumped out all of a sudden."

Henry nodded thoughtfully. He had fought with the Leopard, so he had a general understanding of the strength of the Leopard. When dealing with ordinary people, Leopard Kurata was an expert, but for the practitioner, his skills were very ordinary. And recently, Green Leaf had fought several times, Henry also knew that Leopard was obviously not a match for those people. Several times when he fought, he had been seriously injured. Moreover, in terms of the relationship between them, he had to call Leopard uncle.

In the past, Henry would have been too lazy to deal with such underworld matters. But now, he and Helen had so many things connecting them. Green Leaf was in internal strife, and he couldn't just sit back and watch.

Henry asked Wade again, "Who is the brother Dragon he just mentioned?"

Wade replied, "Brother Dragon is a spectator in the university town. He is very good at fighting. It is said that he retired from the runner-up of the provincial tournament. Over the years, my big brother has been sitting in the second-in-command position. Brother Dragon was very dissatisfied in his heart. Now my big brother is injured, he immediately wants to take the position. But he doesn't dare to show it too obviously. He just lets his people bully us in the university town."

Henry listened and felt a little funny. In his eyes, Wade's dignified behavior was like a child's play.

It was not that Henry had never encountered such a case of usurping for power, but the only thing he had encountered was to bury the bomb and kill the murderer. The way this brother Dragon did things was quite different from the other way around.

"Okay." Hearing this, Henry was not in the mood to deal with it. Helen should have no problem dealing with this so-called brother Dragon.

Because of what happened to Ivan, the three girls in the room sang a few more songs, and they had no interest, so they were ready to leave.

As soon as they walked out of the door, they saw a crowd of people gathering around the door of the bar. The leader was the two young men with knives who had just held Wade. Ivan was supported by someone and stood aside.

Seeing this, Wade's face immediately darkened.

"Ivan, do you want to put an end to this?"

"Wade, it's none of your business now! I'm going to get even with him!" Ivan pointed at Henry. "Boy, weren't you arrogant just now? Why don't you continue to be arrogant and show me?"

Henry looked at the black mass of people gathering outside the bar. There were at least more than 30 of them.

Henry remained calm in the face of these people.

"Brother-in-law, let's call the police." Daisy and the other two girls stood behind him with some fear. In this kind of situation, even the boys were afraid of it, let alone the girls.

"I'm fine." Henry patted Daisy's shoulder and comforted her. He took a step forward and looked at the 30 people in front of him. He said, "Whoever wants to fight, stand out!"

As soon as Henry finished speaking, more than 30 people around the bar looked at each other. None of them took the first step.

Henry had already expected this scene. These people seemed to have a large number of people, but to put it bluntly, they were all here to join in the fun. The person who really wanted to help Ivan get revenge would really take action at the first sight of him.

Ivan felt a little embarrassed when he saw that the people he called were unmoved, so he winked at his men beside him.

Seeing so many people on his side, the henchman was also confident. He took a deep breath and strode out. "I'm going to fight you today. What do you think?"

As soon as the underlying finished his words, Henry grabbed his collar and slapped him in the face, making a loud and clear sound, which stunned the underling on the spot.

"Get out!" Henry kicked his man back into the crowd and continued, "Who else wants to fight?"


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