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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 126

Brother Chow looked at the person who spoke with some dissatisfaction. It was Henry.

"Boy, do you have any idea what you are saying? How could brother Meng lose?"

Wade also said, "Brother-in-law, Brother Meng will not lose, right? Look at the woman's figure, how can she be a match for Brother Meng?"

Henry shook his head and said with a smile, "Your size doesn't represent your strength. Brother Meng looks tall and strong, but in fact, his lower body is unstable. The girl looks young and weak, and when she walks, she has a kind of hidden force. If I'm not wrong, this girl, with at most three moves, can knock the opponent down."

Brother Chow curled his lip. Obviously, he was disdainful of Henry's words.

Wade smiled awkwardly. It was not good for him to refute Henry, but it was really hard to believe that Brother Meng's strong physique was not a match for a little girl.

As for Daisy and the other two girls, they didn't have so many doubts. In their hearts, they believed almost everything Henry said.

In the iron cage, the moment when the iron fence was closed, it represented the beginning. Only when one side fell to the ground, the fence of the iron cage would be opened.

The space inside the cage was not large. It was only about 30 square meters. It was impossible for the two people inside the cage to avoid it.

Brother Meng looked at the thin girl in front of him with a sneer on his face. "I really don't understand. The reason why Black Thunder asked you to fight was that he wanted you to die?"

The girl stood there calmly, without saying a word.

Seeing that the other party didn't pay attention to him at all, Brother Meng was a little dissatisfied. He snorted coldly and walked toward the girl with his fists clenched.

Helen sat on the chair and looked at the girl in the cage, with her eyebrows slightly wrinkled. She didn't think that Black Saber deliberately let her go. After learning something about ancient martial arts from Henry, Helen completely understood what "you can't judge a book by its cover". Maybe you can see a thin and weak person, and you can burst out the power that you can't imagine.

Helen didn't expect Brother Meng to win. In other words, she didn't think that besides Henry, there was no one who was able to beat the people sent by Black Saber.

Brother Meng walked up to the girl and sneered. "Little girl, don't blame me. If you want to blame someone, blame the person who sent you on the stage!"

As soon as Brother Meng finished speaking, he punched the girl.

When the people outside the iron cage saw Brother Meng's powerful punch, they could not bear to close their eyes, as if they had already seen the scene of the young girl being knocked to the ground.

But the truth was beyond their expectations.

Just as Brother Meng's fist was about to hit the girl, the girl stretched out her right hand like lightning and held the fist from Brother Meng. The strong punch of Brother Meng was held firmly by the girl.

"This!" Brother Meng's face changed. He subconsciously wanted to withdraw his fist, but he found that his fist, as if being struck by a giant clamp, could not move at all.

At this moment, Brother Meng finally realized that something was wrong.

"You!" Brother Meng shouted and just opened his mouth.

The girl raised her right foot and kicked Brother Meng heavily on his thigh with a whip kick.

This time, Brother Meng felt as if someone was waving a steel pipe and hitting his leg with force. The intense pain hit him and his leg became numb in an instant.

At the same time, the girl tightened her wrist and pinched Brother Meng's fist, making a semi-sided rotation. The power of the rotation was transferred from Brother Meng's arm to her body. When Brother Meng's leg was numb, she directly knocked him down to the ground. With a "poof" sound, she lifted up the dust on the ground.


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